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Onyx is a symbol of luck, success, beauty, popularity and fame. Absorbs negative energy. Activates creativity in business. Helps in public speaking, making the right decision and generating new ideas for the development of one's own business. A strong charm for the family and home hearth. Brings wealth and well-being to the home.
Kaholong is a stone of peace, harmony and spiritual development. Strengthens well-being and relationships in the family. Increases wealth and opens new opportunities. Develops intuition. A talisman for expectant mothers. Promotes balance between body, mind and soul.
Amber is a symbol of well-being, wealth and success. Neutralizes negative energy and stimulates positive energy. Attracts joy and well-being. Relieves fatigue. It is a source of creative forces, faith and optimism. Lava symbolizes transformation. Cleanses the aura of negative energy and negative vibration. Facilitates accepted changes in life. Creates...
Aventurine is an expression of your uniqueness and style. It has long been considered a lucky talisman that gives you strength and harmony. Helps to find cheerfulness of spirit, clarity of mind, improve mood. Increases optimism, self-confidence. Aventurine is often called the "stone of love", therefore it promotes the emergence of mutual sympathies....
Agate is a symbol of health, prosperity and longevity. Strengthens positive qualities, promotes concentration and focus. Reveals and develops hidden talents and abilities. Adds attractiveness, making its owner pleasant in communication, eloquent in public speeches, protects from negative energy of enemies. Strengthens self-confidence.
Chrysoprase is a stone of success, money, victory and power, inventors and innovators. Improves relationships with those around you. Promotes harmony in family relationships. Brings luck. Helps to develop eloquence. Enhances inner wisdom and intuition.
Aquamarine is a stone of friendship and justice, protects its owner from dangers and deception, will add prudence. This gem helps relieve stress, nervous tension, and find mental balance. Increases the level of romance and harmony in a couple. Protects from troubles. Helps you feel inner peace and emotional balance in today's world.
Amber is a symbol of well-being, wealth and success. Neutralizes negative energy and stimulates positive energy. Attracts joy and well-being. Relieves fatigue. It is a source of creative forces, faith and optimism.
Selenite is a stone of protection and spirituality. Draws attention to the owner, adds elegance. Cleanses and protects against negative energy and energy influences. Helps to achieve a state of deep meditation and relaxation, to make wise decisions. Strengthens intuition. Labrador is a stone of intuition, protection and creativity. Reveals hidden...
Carnelian symbolizes strength, courage, determination and confidence. Stimulates creativity and ingenuity. Helps to find new solutions and ideas, to overcome difficulties. A talisman in love relationships, a patron of marriage and improves relations between spouses. Opens up new opportunities in business. Agate is a symbol of health, prosperity and...
Аметист - символ щирості, та чистосердечності, сприяє досягненню внутрішнього спокою, гасить душевний біль і тривогу, допомагає контролювати емоції Вважається, що цей мінерал наділяє людину проникливістю, зміцнює стійкість проти спокус, оберігає від пристріту. Прикраси з аметисту кладуть під подушку, щоб бачити хороші сни.
Аметист - символ щирості, та чистосердечності, сприяє досягненню внутрішнього спокою, гасить душевний біль і тривогу, допомагає контролювати емоції Вважається, що цей мінерал наділяє людину проникливістю, зміцнює стійкість проти спокус, оберігає від пристріту. Прикраси з аметисту кладуть під подушку, щоб бачити хороші сни. РоЖевий кварц- камінь...
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