Hawk eye
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Amber is a symbol of well-being, wealth and success. Neutralizes negative energy and stimulates positive energy. Attracts joy and well-being. Relieves fatigue. Is a source of creative forces, faith and optimism. Hawkeye helps to develop self-discipline, intelligence, endurance, purposefulness. Strengthens intuition, strength and power. Ensures success in...
Amber is a symbol of well-being, wealth and success. Neutralizes negative energy and stimulates positive energy. Attracts joy and well-being. Relieves fatigue. It is a source of creative forces, faith and optimism. Hawk eye helps to develop self-discipline, intelligence, endurance, purposefulness. Enhances intuition, strength and power. Ensures success in...
HAWK EYE helps to develop self-discipline, intelligence, endurance, purposefulness. Enhances intuition, strength and power. Ensures success in negotiations. Keeps peace in the family. Increases self-belief and confidence. Opens new opportunities. The tiger's eye symbolizes strength, courage, endurance, faith in oneself and one's abilities. A talisman for...
Корали - символ щастя, надії і ніжної любові. Забезпечують успіх у протилежної статі. Цей мінерал асоціюють з чистими думками, допоможуть запобігти неприємностям, що насуваються, пристріту; сприяють набуттю сімейного щастя. Прикраса з коралів - відмінний засіб від печалі і смутку.
HAWK EYEhas the ability to help understand the essence of events. This stone promotes the development of insight, establishing cause and effect relationships. Stone will be equally useful to a housewife going shopping to a store and a businessman. The only thing that the stone does not tolerate is laziness, indifference, apathy, inactivity.