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Довжина намиста - 50 см.
Корали - символ щастя, надії і ніжної любові. Забезпечують успіх у протилежної статі. Цей мінерал асоціюють з чистими думками, допоможуть запобігти неприємностям, що насуваються, пристріту; сприяють набуттю сімейного щастя. Прикраса з коралів - відмінний засіб від печалі і смутку.
Розмір браслета - 16,17
Цитрин, завдяки кристалічній формі і жовтого кольору, вважається каменем, впитавшим сонячну енергію. А тому власник цитрину вправі розраховувати на енергетичну підтримку з його боку при занепаду життєвих сил, апатії, депресії. Цитрин піднімає самооцінку, додає впевненість у собі, впорядковує думки, спонукає до творчості. Він здатний притягувати удачу у...
Розмір браслета - 14
Довжина намиста - 50 см.
Корали - символ щастя, надії і ніжної любові. Забезпечують успіх у протилежної статі. Цей мінерал асоціюють з чистими думками, допоможуть запобігти неприємностям, що насуваються, пристріту; сприяють набуттю сімейного щастя. Прикраса з коралів - відмінний засіб від печалі і смутку.
Азурит знайшов своє застосування з давніх пір його цінували за його здатність розкривати свідомість людини, допомагати йому переосмислювати свій життєвий шлях і свої вчинки. Такі його якості завжди були незамінні для людей, які стоять на роздоріжжі і не можуть вибрати свою дорогу в житті. Азурит правдивий і чесний камінь,тому дуже важливо носити як...
Agate is a symbol of health, prosperity and longevity. Enhances positive qualities, promotes concentration and focus. Pearls are a symbol of femininity, tenderness and grace, prosperity and well-being, elixir of youth. Drives away melancholy and worries, restores lost strength, preserves beauty. Strengthens feelings of love and deep friendship.
Agate is a symbol of health, prosperity and longevity. Enhances positive qualities, promotes concentration and focus. Shungite is a stone of harmony, success and protection. Opens talents, opportunities and financial flows. Adds perseverance and energy of fortune in business, trade, career. Protects from envy, malice, hatred. Pearls are a symbol of...
Obsidian is a stone of optimists. Strengthens intuition. Helps increase inner strength and endurance, in achieving goals and conquering desired peaks. Gives mystery and unsurpassedness. Improves concentration. Increases motivation and will to act. Pearls are a symbol of femininity, tenderness and grace, prosperity and well-being, an elixir of youth....
Obsidian is a stone of optimists. Strengthens intuition. Helps increase inner strength and endurance, in achieving goals and conquering desired peaks. Gives mystery and unsurpassedness. Improves concentration. Increases motivation and will to act. Pearls are a symbol of femininity, tenderness and grace, prosperity and well-being, an elixir of youth....
Obsidian is a stone of optimists. Strengthens intuition. Helps increase inner strength and endurance, in achieving goals and conquering desired peaks. Gives mystery and unsurpassedness. Improves concentration. Increases motivation and will to act. Pearls are a symbol of femininity, tenderness and grace, prosperity and well-being, an elixir of youth....
Agate is a symbol of health, prosperity and longevity. Strengthens positive qualities, promotes concentration and focus. Reveals and develops hidden talents and abilities. Adds attractiveness, making its owner pleasant in communication, eloquent in public speeches, protects from negative energy of enemies. Strengthens self-confidence. Jade is a symbol of...
Lapis lazuli - symbolizes happiness in love and success in new endeavors. Helps to implement plans and projects, get rid of old and unnecessary memories. Strengthens friendship. Protects you from evil thoughts. Reveals your talents and abilities. Adds elegance and sophistication to your style, making you the center of attention. Pearls - a symbol of...
Coral is a symbol of happiness, hope and tender love. Contributes to couple relations and the development of family happiness. Gives strength and courage to overcome difficulties. It serves as an energy shield that protects you from negative energy influences, sadness and grief.Chrysoprase is a stone of success, money, victory and power, inventors and...
Mother of pearl - a symbol of female energy and wisdom. A source of health, mysterious power and beauty. Develops intuition, oratory skills. Preserves peace and tranquility in the family. Eliminates conflicts in the team. Protects the home from evil spirits. Helps in trade and during travel. Jasper - symbolizes power, inner strength and endurance,...
Agate is a symbol of health, prosperity and longevity. Strengthens positive qualities, promotes concentration and focus. Reveals and develops hidden talents and abilities. Adds attractiveness, making its owner pleasant in communication, eloquent in public speeches, protects from negative energy of enemies. Strengthens self-confidence.
Agate is a symbol of health, prosperity and longevity. Enhances positive qualities, promotes concentration and focus. Reveals and develops hidden talents and abilities. Adds attractiveness, making its owner pleasant to communicate with, eloquent in public speeches, protects against the negative energy of enemies. Strengthens self-confidence. Carnelian...
Garnet is a stone of love, enhances the energy of love and improves relationships with loved ones. It drives away sadness and brings joy to the owner. Stimulates will and endurance, the development of your creativity. Promotes the discovery of a sense of dignity and is considered a symbol of loyalty and devotion. Inspires new ideas and projects. Zircon...
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