Caring for decorations

Recommendation №1


Remember, if you are asked to remove a stone to look at it or try it, then the jewelry should be placed on the table so that the other person took it from the table, and not from the hands. After a person looks at the stone, she should also put it on the table. Otherwise, there is a danger of "getting infected" by its negative vibrations.

   For storage, it's best to use bags for each stone separately. The bag should be silk or made of cotton. In this package, gems can be stored in one box or box.


Clearing the stone from the information. Way №1

Proactive clean water removes information very well. It takes 5 minutes for this. hold the jewelry under running water, then put it on drying next to the light candle.


Clearing the stone from the information. Way №2


  Traditionally recommend cleaning with sea salt. What salt to do depends on your desire.
For damp cleaning, you should dissolve a teaspoon of salt in a cup of water. Do a rinse in glass or ceramic dishes. Plastic and metal tend to transfer some of their properties to water. Dip the stone in solution overnight, and then rinse with running water.

 Crystals that should not be cleaned with salty water:

Aquamarine, apophyllite, whitemouth, turquoise, hematite, labrador, calcite, kahelonge,
Lazurite, malachite, onyx, opal, pyrite, rhodonite, rhodochrosite, carnelian, ulexite,
Fluorite, amber.

   You can use an alternative salt treatment method.
Place the stone in a small glass container and place it on a dish filled with salt.
Although the stone will not touch the salt, it will make a cleansing effect on the stone.

WARNING!!! If the metal is neither silver nor gold, then it can be oxidized in water!


Clearing the stone from mechanical dirt. 

Opaque stones cleaning.


Stones that do not reflect light or let light pass through themselves are called opaque stones. They include onyx, greed, turquoise, malachite and lapis lazuli. Wipe off opaque stones with a soft cloth slightly dampened with a jewelery cleaner. But be careful that this tool is not intended for ultrasonic cleaning. Opaque rocks are prone to chemical absorption, and therefore require careful handling.

   The accumulation within the stone of chemicals can cause the destruction of the stone, including its discoloration.