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Zircon is a stone of energy, stamina and stability. A talisman from ill-wishers, envious people. Strengthens charisma, attractiveness, intuition. Strengthens mental abilities and increases the desire for knowledge. Protects against negative energy. Helps to make wise decisions.
Zircon is a stone of energy, stamina and stability. A talisman from ill-wishers, envious people. Strengthens charisma, attractiveness, intuition. Strengthens mental abilities and increases the desire for knowledge. Protects against negative energy. Helps to make wise decisions.
Zircon is a stone of energy, stamina and stability. A talisman from ill-wishers, envious people. Strengthens charisma, attractiveness, intuition. Strengthens mental abilities and increases the desire for knowledge. Protects against negative energy. Helps to make wise decisions.
Zircon is a stone of energy, stamina and stability. A talisman from ill-wishers, envious people. Strengthens charisma, attractiveness, intuition. Strengthens mental abilities and increases the desire for knowledge. Protects against negative energy. Helps to make wise decisions.
Ruby is a stone of power, passion, and energy. Increases vitality and motivation. Gives the strength of a lion, the fearlessness of an eagle and the wisdom of a snake. Strengthens will and courage. Helps to overcome difficulties and obstacles. Promotes passionate love. Tourmaline is a stone that cleanses from negative energy and heals. Strengthens...
Zircon is a stone of energy, stamina and stability. A talisman from ill-wishers, envious people. Strengthens charisma, attractiveness, intuition. Strengthens mental abilities and increases the desire for knowledge. Protects against negative energy. Helps to make wise decisions. Quartz is a symbol of unconditional love and harmony in relationships, health,...
Zircon is a stone of energy, stamina and stability. A talisman from ill-wishers, envious people. Strengthens charisma, attractiveness, intuition. Strengthens mental abilities and increases the desire for knowledge. Protects against negative energy. Helps to make wise decisions. Carnelian symbolizes strength, courage, determination and confidence....
Quartz is a symbol of unconditional love and harmony in relationships, health, youth, enhances female attractiveness. Attracts success. Improves mood. Increases self-esteem. It helps to believe in yourself and your own abilities. Adular is a stone of spiritual development and intuition. Emphasizes your femininity and tenderness. The mineral of the unity...
Tourmaline is a stone that cleanses from negative energy and heals. Strengthens fortitude, will and sense of self-discipline. Adds courage and endurance. Eliminates anxiety and fear. Reveals spiritual abilities and increases the level of intuition. Zircon is a stone of energy, stamina and stability. A talisman from ill-wishers, envious people. Strengthens...
Smoky topaz is a symbol of wisdom, harmony and intuition. Protects from envy, negative energies. Develops character strength. Helps successfully overcome any difficulties. Relieves stress and anxiety. Strengthens your will and determination. Zircon is a stone of energy, stamina and stability. A talisman from ill-wishers, envious people. Strengthens...
Zircon protects from ill-wishers, envious people, Brings to light people who want to deceive you, Strengthens the charisma of the owner, makes him more attractive to others, Helps to act in difficult situations, If you carry the stone with you, you will be warmly welcomed everywhere, Brings luck and success in business, Sharpens intuition, helps to...
Циркон оберіг від недоброзичливців, заздрісників, Виводить на чисту воду людей, які хочуть вас обдурити, Підсилює харизму власника, робить його привабливішим для оточуючих, Допомагає діяти у складних ситуаціях, Якщо ви носитимете камінь при собі, вас усюди чекатиме теплий прийом, Приносить удачу та успіх у справах, Загострює інтуїцію, допомагає проникати...
Циркон оберіг від недоброзичливців, заздрісників, Виводить на чисту воду людей, які хочуть вас обдурити, Підсилює харизму власника, робить його привабливішим для оточуючих, Допомагає діяти у складних ситуаціях, Якщо ви носитимете камінь при собі, вас усюди чекатиме теплий прийом, Приносить удачу та успіх у справах, Загострює інтуїцію, допомагає проникати...
Перли Вважається, що споглядання на перлини заспокоює психіку, приносить душевну рівновагу і душевний спокій Перли - еліксир молодості, відганяють меланхолію і турботи, відновлюють втрачені сили, зберігають красу. Це символ процвітання та благополуччя.
Zircon protects from ill-wishers, envious people, Brings to light people who want to deceive you, Strengthens the charisma of the owner, makes him more attractive to others, Helps to act in difficult situations, If you carry the stone with you, you will be warmly welcomed everywhere, Brings luck and success in business, Sharpens intuition, helps to...
Zircon protects from ill-wishers, envious people, Brings to light people who want to deceive you, Strengthens the charisma of the owner, makes him more attractive to others, Helps to act in difficult situations, If you carry the stone with you, you will be warmly welcomed everywhere, Brings luck and success in business, Sharpens intuition, helps to...