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Pearls There are 81 products.

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Showing 1 - 24 of 81 items
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    377 грн. 419 грн. -10% In Stock

    Pearls are a symbol of femininity, tenderness and grace, prosperity and well-being, an elixir of youth. They drive away melancholy and worries, restore lost strength, preserve beauty. Strengthen feelings of love and deep friendship. They promote mutual understanding, relaxation and inner mental balance. Kunzite is a stone of creativity, realization and...

    377 грн. 419 грн. -10%
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    341 грн. 379 грн. -10% In Stock

    Pearls are a symbol of femininity, tenderness and grace, prosperity and well-being, an elixir of youth. They drive away melancholy and worries, restore lost strength, preserve beauty. Strengthen feelings of love and deep friendship. They promote mutual understanding, relaxation and inner mental balance

    341 грн. 379 грн. -10%
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    701 грн. 779 грн. -10% In Stock

    Pearls are a symbol of femininity, tenderness and grace, prosperity and well-being, an elixir of youth. They drive away melancholy and worries, restore lost strength, preserve beauty. Strengthen feelings of love and deep friendship. They promote mutual understanding, relaxation and inner mental balance

    701 грн. 779 грн. -10%
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    566 грн. 629 грн. -10% In Stock

    Pearls are a symbol of femininity, tenderness and grace, prosperity and well-being, an elixir of youth. They drive away melancholy and worries, restore lost strength, preserve beauty. Strengthen feelings of love and deep friendship. They promote mutual understanding, relaxation and inner mental balance

    566 грн. 629 грн. -10%
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    431 грн. 479 грн. -10% In Stock

    Pearls are a symbol of femininity, tenderness and grace, prosperity and well-being, an elixir of youth. They drive away melancholy and worries, restore lost strength, preserve beauty. Strengthen feelings of love and deep friendship. They promote mutual understanding, relaxation and inner mental balance. Coral is a symbol of happiness, hope and tender...

    431 грн. 479 грн. -10%
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    593 грн. 659 грн. -10% In Stock

    Pearls are a symbol of femininity, tenderness and grace, prosperity and well-being, an elixir of youth. They drive away melancholy and worries, restore lost strength, preserve beauty. Strengthen feelings of love and deep friendship. They promote mutual understanding, relaxation and inner mental balance. Coral is a symbol of happiness, hope and tender...

    593 грн. 659 грн. -10%
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    701 грн. 779 грн. -10% In Stock

    Pearls are a symbol of femininity, tenderness and grace, prosperity and well-being, an elixir of youth. They drive away melancholy and worries, restore lost strength, preserve beauty. Strengthen feelings of love and deep friendship. They promote mutual understanding, relaxation and inner mental balance.

    701 грн. 779 грн. -10%
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    449 грн. 499 грн. -10% In Stock

    Kunzite is a stone of creativity, realization and self-expression. Reveals hidden talents. It helps a person to show the best sides of character - kindness, honesty of intentions and thoughts, love for others. Cleanses from negative energy and emotions. Heals from mental pain. Increases intellectual and creative properties. Strengthens the energy field...

    449 грн. 499 грн. -10%
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    467 грн. 519 грн. -10% In Stock

    Pomegranate is a stone of love, strengthens the energy of love and improves relationships with loved ones. It drives away sadness and brings joy to the owner. Stimulates will and endurance, development of your creativity. It promotes the discovery of a sense of dignity and is considered a symbol of loyalty and devotion. To inspire new ideas and projects....

    467 грн. 519 грн. -10%
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    350 грн. 389 грн. -10% In Stock

    Pearls are a symbol of femininity, tenderness and grace, prosperity and well-being, an elixir of youth. They drive away melancholy and worries, restore lost strength, preserve beauty. Strengthen feelings of love and deep friendship. They promote mutual understanding, relaxation and inner mental balance. Amber is a symbol of well-being, wealth and...

    350 грн. 389 грн. -10%
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    557 грн. 619 грн. -10% In Stock

    Labrador is a stone of intuition, protection and creativity. Reveals hidden talents. Brings inspiration, glory. Strengthens intuition. Develops spiritual abilities. Inspires creativity and stimulates creative development. Pearls are a symbol of femininity, tenderness and grace, prosperity and well-being, an elixir of youth. They drive away melancholy and...

    557 грн. 619 грн. -10%
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    827 грн. 919 грн. -10% In Stock

    Quartz is a stone of strengthening energy and self-discipline. Increases your vitality and sense of stamina. Improves meditation. Protects against negative energy. Helps to focus on your goals. Enhances beauty, attractiveness, sexual energy. Pearls are a symbol of femininity, tenderness and grace, prosperity and well-being, an elixir of youth. They drive...

    827 грн. 919 грн. -10%
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    1 529 грн. 1 699 грн. -10% In Stock

    Pearls are a symbol of femininity, tenderness and grace, prosperity and well-being, an elixir of youth. They drive away melancholy and worries, restore lost strength, preserve beauty. Strengthen feelings of love and deep friendship. They promote mutual understanding, relaxation and inner mental balance. Sapphire is a stone of wisdom, spirituality and...

    1 529 грн. 1 699 грн. -10%
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    629 грн. 699 грн. -10% In Stock

    Pearls are a symbol of femininity, tenderness and grace, prosperity and well-being, an elixir of youth. They drive away melancholy and worries, restore lost strength, preserve beauty. Strengthen feelings of love and deep friendship. They promote mutual understanding, relaxation and inner mental balance.

    629 грн. 699 грн. -10%
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    539 грн. 599 грн. -10% In Stock

    Pearls are a symbol of femininity, tenderness and grace, prosperity and well-being, an elixir of youth. They drive away melancholy and worries, restore lost strength, preserve beauty. Strengthen feelings of love and deep friendship. They promote mutual understanding, relaxation and inner mental balance. Lava symbolizes transformation. Cleanses the aura...

    539 грн. 599 грн. -10%
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    629 грн. 699 грн. -10% In Stock

    The tiger's eye symbolizes strength, courage, endurance, faith in oneself and one's abilities. A talisman for businessmen. Protects against bankruptcy, financial losses. Helps to focus attention on the most important issues. Opens new opportunities. Contribute to positive changes in life. Pearls are a symbol of femininity, tenderness and grace,...

    629 грн. 699 грн. -10%
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    377 грн. 419 грн. -10% In Stock

    Довжина намиста - 40 см.  Розмір каменю - 8 мм. 

    377 грн. 419 грн. -10%
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    530 грн. 589 грн. -10% In Stock

    Розмір браслета - 17 

    530 грн. 589 грн. -10%
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    431 грн. 479 грн. -10% In Stock

    Довжина намиста - 40 см.  Розмір каменю - 8 мм. 

    431 грн. 479 грн. -10%
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    719 грн. 799 грн. -10% In Stock

    Перли Вважається, що споглядання на перлини заспокоює психіку, приносить ду­шевну рівновагу і душевний спокій Перли - еліксир молодості, відганя­ють меланхолію і турботи, відновлюють втрачені сили, зберігають красу. Це символ процвітання та благополуччя.

    719 грн. 799 грн. -10%
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    407 грн. 479 грн. -15% In Stock

    Аметист -  символ щирості, та чистосердечності, сприяє досягненню внут­рішнього спокою, гасить душевний біль і тривогу, допомагає контролю­вати емоції Вважається, що цей мінерал наділяє людину проникливістю, зміцнює стійкість проти спокус, оберігає від пристріту. Прикраси з аме­тисту кладуть під подушку, щоб бачити хороші сни.

    407 грн. 479 грн. -15%
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    512 грн. 569 грн. -10% In Stock

    Аметист -  символ щирості, та чистосердечності, сприяє досягненню внут­рішнього спокою, гасить душевний біль і тривогу, допомагає контролю­вати емоції Вважається, що цей мінерал наділяє людину проникливістю, зміцнює стійкість проти спокус, оберігає від пристріту. Прикраси з аме­тисту кладуть під подушку, щоб бачити хороші сни.

    512 грн. 569 грн. -10%
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    1 619 грн. 1 799 грн. -10% In Stock

    Перли Вважається, що споглядання на перлини заспокоює психіку, приносить ду­шевну рівновагу і душевний спокій Перли - еліксир молодості, відганя­ють меланхолію і турботи, відновлюють втрачені сили, зберігають красу. Це символ процвітання та благополуччя.

    1 619 грн. 1 799 грн. -10%
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    359 грн. 399 грн. -10% In Stock

    «Котяче око» Більшість каміння з ефектом «котяче око» традиційно рахуються оберега­ми. Прикраси з ними носили, щоб захистити себе від злих сил, пристріту. Зокрема, вважається, що «котяче око» допомагає зберегти любов і обері­гає від зрад. Камінь з ефектом «котяче око» здатний м'яко привернути увагу до свого власника.

    359 грн. 399 грн. -10%
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Showing 1 - 24 of 81 items