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Мінімалістський сучасний дизайн міні...
Coral is a symbol of happiness, hope and tender love. Contributes to couple relations and the development of family happiness. Gives strength and courage to overcome difficulties. It serves as an energy shield that protects you from negative energy influences, sadness and grief. Chrysoprase is a stone of success, money, victory and power, inventors and...
Tourmaline is a stone that cleanses from negative energy and heals. Strengthens fortitude, will and sense of self-discipline. Adds courage and endurance. Eliminates anxiety and fear. Reveals spiritual abilities and increases the level of intuition. Chrysoprase is a stone of success, money, victory and power, inventors and innovators. Improves...
Chrysoprase is a stone of success, money, victory and power, inventors and innovators. Improves relationships with those around you. Promotes harmony in family relationships. Brings luck. Helps to develop eloquence. Enhances inner wisdom and intuition.
Chrysoprase is a stone of success, money, victory and power, inventors and innovators.Improves relationships with those around you. Promotes harmony in family relationships. Brings luck. Helps to develop eloquence. Enhances inner wisdom and intuition. Coral is a symbol of happiness, hope and tender love. Contributes to couple relations and the...
CAT'S EYE drives away negative energy, negative thoughts and evil intentions. Helps reveal potential, talents, make wise decisions. It will support energetic development and self-improvement. Coral is a symbol of happiness, hope and tender love. Contributes to couple relations and the development of family happiness. Gives strength and courage to...
Chrysoprase is a stone of success, money, victory and power, inventors and innovators.Improves relationships with others. Promotes harmony in family relationships. Brings luck. Helps to develop eloquence. Strengthens inner wisdom and intuition. Carnelian symbolizes strength, courage, determination and confidence. Stimulates creativity and ingenuity....
Chrysoprase is a stone of success, money, victory and power, inventors and innovators.Improves relationships with others. Promotes harmony in family relationships. Brings luck. Helps to develop eloquence. Strengthens inner wisdom and intuition. Agate is a symbol of health, prosperity and longevity. Strengthens positive qualities, promotes concentration...
Seraphinite is a stone of communication with angels and emotional healing. Supports spiritual development. Expands consciousness. Helps to reveal inner potential, calm emotions. Eliminates fears. Creates an energy shield against negative energy. Jasper - symbolizes power, inner strength and endurance, spiritual growth, wisdom and deep knowledge. Helps to...
Chrysoprase is a stone of success, money, victory and power, inventors and innovators.Improves relationships with those around you. Promotes harmony in family relationships. Brings luck. Helps to develop eloquence. Enhances inner wisdom and intuition.
Jasper - symbolizes power, inner strength and endurance, spiritual growth, wisdom and deep knowledge. Helps to establish relations with management and employees. Develops eloquence. Protects from evil fate. Provides unique attractiveness and promotes success in the opposite sex. It inspires faith in one's own abilities. Coral is a symbol of happiness,...
Chrysoprase is a stone of success, money, victory and power, inventors and innovators.Improves relationships with those around you. Promotes harmony in family relationships. Brings luck. Helps to develop eloquence. Enhances inner wisdom and intuition. Pearls are a symbol of femininity, tenderness and grace, prosperity and well-being, an elixir of youth....
Smoky topaz is a symbol of wisdom, harmony and intuition. Protects from envy, negative energies. Develops character strength. Helps successfully overcome any difficulties. Relieves stress and anxiety. Strengthens your will and determination. Chrysoprase is a stone of success, money, victory and power, inventors and innovators.Improves relationships with...
Chrysoprase is a stone of success, money, victory and power, inventors and innovators.Improves relationships with those around you. Promotes harmony in family relationships. Brings luck. Helps to develop eloquence. Enhances inner wisdom and intuition. Mother of pearl is a symbol of female energy and wisdom. A source of health, mysterious strength and...
Chrysoprase is a stone of success, money, victory and power, inventors and innovators.Improves relationships with those around you. Promotes harmony in family relationships. Brings luck. Helps to develop eloquence. Enhances inner wisdom and intuition. Mother of pearl is a symbol of female energy and wisdom. A source of health, mysterious strength and...
Chrysoprase is a stone of success, money, victory and power, inventors and innovators.Improves relationships with those around you. Promotes harmony in family relationships. Brings luck. Helps to develop eloquence. Enhances inner wisdom and intuition. Adular is a stone of spiritual development and intuition. Emphasizes your femininity and tenderness. The...
Мінерал є сильний оберіг для малюків. Ангеліт захищає дитину від поганих снів, пристріту і негативного впливу ззовні. Крім того, він виховує в дітях добросердечність, принциповість і співчутливість. Самоцвіт сприяє духовному становленню молодої особистості.
АМАЗОНІТ - камінь сміливості й відданості. Створює гарний настрій, знімає почуття тривоги й непевності. Прикраси з амазоніту допомагають зміцнити сімейні відносини й побудувати міцну родину. Вони залучають матеріальний статок і здатні надихати людей похилого віку на пориви молодості.
Довжина намиста - 40 см. Розмір каменю - 8 мм.
Агат - символ здоров'я, процвітання та довголіття. Прикраси з агату роблять його власника приємним у спілкуванні, красномовним у публічних виступах, оберігають від підступів ворогів. Цей мінерал використовується в якості оберегу «від порчі», сприяє поліпшенню добробуту.