
  • Necklace "Magic of the Forest" Jasper

    Rock crystal is a symbol of light and energy in your life. Has the property of increasing and purifying energy. Helps you experience increased vitality. Strengthens the connection with the inner self. Concentrates attention, makes speech persuasive, improves interaction with other people. Rhodonite is a symbol of internal harmony and love. Develops...

    3 599 грн 3 239 грн

    In Stock
  • Necklace "Magic of the Forest" Jasper

    Pearls are a symbol of femininity, tenderness and grace, prosperity and well-being, an elixir of youth. They drive away melancholy and worries, restore lost strength, preserve beauty. They strengthen feelings of love and deep friendship. They promote mutual understanding, relaxation and inner mental balance. Amethyst is a symbol of sincerity, harmony and...

    1 419 грн 1 277 грн

    In Stock
  • Necklace "Hestia" Rhodonite, Adular

    Rhodonite is a symbol of inner harmony and love. Develops hidden capabilities. Reveals new talents and spiritual abilities. Supports feminine strength and tenderness. Improves sleep. Increases self-esteem. Attracts income, success and fame. Adular is a stone of spiritual development and intuition. Emphasizes your femininity and tenderness. The mineral of...

    1 899 грн 1 709 грн

    In Stock
  • Exclusive necklace "Suzy" Rhodonite, Opal crumb

    Довжина намиста - 54 см. 

    999 грн 899 грн

    In Stock
  • Rhodonite facet necklace, silver

    Родоніт може допомогти зневіреному людині, пробудивши волю до життя, направивши на вірний шлях світла і добра. Ніжно-рожевий родоніт сприяє розвитку прихованих можливостей, виникнення любові до мистецтва, появи тяги до прекрасного і витонченого.

    1 389 грн 1 250 грн

    In Stock
  • Exclusive necklace Rhodonite ("Ethnic" Collection)
    2 109 грн 1 898 грн

    In Stock
  • Rhodonite necklace

    Rhodonite can help a despairing person by awakening the will to live, directing him to the right path of light and goodness. Pale pink rhodonite promotes the development of hidden possibilities, the emergence of love for art, the emergence of a craving for the beautiful and refined.

    1 539 грн 1 385 грн

    In Stock
  • Rhodonite necklace, silver

    Rhodonitecan help a despairing person by awakening the will to live, directing him to the right path of light and goodness. Pale pink rhodonite promotes the development of hidden possibilities, the emergence of love for art, the emergence of a craving for the beautiful and refined.

    1 379 грн 1 241 грн

    In Stock
  • Ексклюзивне намисто Родоніт
    1 599 грн 1 439 грн

    In Stock
  • Exclusive necklace "Rhodonite Valley"

    Rhodonite can help a despairing person by awakening the will to live, directing him to the right path of light and goodness. Pale pink rhodonite promotes the development of hidden possibilities, the emergence of love for art, the emergence of a craving for the beautiful and refined.

    799 грн 719 грн

    In Stock
  • Exclusive Rhodonite necklace

    Rhodonite can help a despairing person by awakening the will to live, directing him to the right path of light and goodness. Pale pink rhodonite promotes the development of hidden possibilities, the emergence of love for art, the emergence of a craving for the beautiful and refined.

    809 грн 728 грн

    In Stock
  • Exclusive necklace "Dreams from Paris" Rhodonite

    Rhodonite is a symbol of internal harmony and love. Develops hidden potential. Reveals new talents and spiritual abilities. Supports feminine strength and tenderness. Improves sleep. Increases self-esteem. Attracts income, success and fame.

    719 грн 647 грн

    In Stock