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Turquoise - brings happiness and success in financial affairs. Protection from negative energy, strengthens vital energy and intuition, strengthens spirit. Turquoise ensures peace in the family, promotes mutual understanding between spouses. It is considered a stone that improves female attractiveness. AQUAMARINE is a stone of friendship and justice,...
Turquoise - brings happiness and success in financial affairs. Protection from negative energy, strengthens vital energy and intuition, strengthens spirit. Turquoise ensures peace in the family, promotes mutual understanding between spouses. It is considered a stone that improves female attractiveness.
Turquoise - brings happiness and success in financial affairs. Protection from negative energy, strengthens vital energy and intuition, strengthens spirit. Turquoise ensures peace in the family, promotes mutual understanding between spouses. It is considered a stone that improves female attractiveness. Labrador is a stone of intuition, protection and...
Turquoise - brings happiness and success in financial affairs. Protection from negative energy, strengthens vital energy and intuition, strengthens spirit. Turquoise ensures peace in the family, promotes mutual understanding between spouses. It is considered a stone that improves female attractiveness.
CAT'S EYE repels negative energy, negative thoughts and evil intentions. Helps reveal potential, talents, make wise decisions.It will support energetic development and self-improvement. Preserves love and protects against betrayal. Draws attention to its owner. Turquoise - brings happiness and success in financial affairs. Protection from negative...
Coral is a symbol of happiness, hope and tender love. Contributes to couple relations and the development of family happiness. Gives strength and courage to overcome difficulties. It serves as an energy shield that protects you from negative energy influences, sadness and grief. Turquoise - brings happiness and success in financial affairs. Protection...
Turquoise - brings happiness and success in financial affairs. Protection from negative energy, strengthens vital energy and intuition, strengthens spirit. Turquoise ensures peace in the family, promotes mutual understanding between spouses. It is considered a stone that improves female attractiveness. Coral is a symbol of happiness, hope and tender...
Pearls are a symbol of femininity, tenderness and grace, prosperity and well-being, an elixir of youth. They drive away melancholy and worries, restore lost strength, preserve beauty. Strengthen feelings of love and deep friendship. They promote mutual understanding, relaxation and inner mental balance.Turquoise - brings happiness and success in financial...
Turquoise - brings happiness and success in financial affairs. Protection from negative energy, strengthens vital energy and intuition, strengthens spirit. Turquoise ensures peace in the family, promotes mutual understanding between spouses. It is considered a stone that improves female attractiveness.
Turquoise - brings happiness and success in financial affairs. Protection from negative energy, strengthens vital energy and intuition, strengthens spirit. Turquoise ensures peace in the family, promotes mutual understanding between spouses. It is considered a stone that improves female attractiveness.Mallorca is the key to inner harmony and creative...
Coral is a symbol of happiness, hope and tender love. Contributes to couple relations and the development of family happiness. Gives strength and courage to overcome difficulties. It serves as an energy shield that protects you from negative energy influences, sadness and grief. Turquoise - brings happiness and success in financial affairs. Protection...
AMAZONITE is a stone of courage and devotion. Creates a good mood, relieves feelings of anxiety and uncertainty, promotes conflict resolution. Helps to make wise decisions, strengthen family relationships and build a strong family. Repels negative energy, opens up new opportunities, stimulates you to self-improvement and development. Turquoise - brings...
Turquoise - brings happiness and success in financial affairs. Protection from negative energy, strengthens vital energy and intuition, strengthens spirit. Turquoise ensures peace in the family, promotes mutual understanding between spouses. It is considered a stone that improves female attractiveness.
Turquoise - brings happiness and success in financial affairs. Protection from negative energy, strengthens vital energy and intuition, strengthens spirit. Turquoise ensures peace in the family, promotes mutual understanding between spouses. It is considered a stone that improves female attractiveness.
Agate is a symbol of health, prosperity and longevity. Strengthens positive qualities, promotes concentration and focus. Reveals and develops hidden talents and abilities. Adds attractiveness, making its owner pleasant in communication, eloquent in public speeches, protects from negative energy of enemies. Strengthens self-confidence. Turquoise - brings...
Coral is a symbol of happiness, hope and tender love. Contributes to couple relations and the development of family happiness. Gives strength and courage to overcome difficulties. It serves as an energy shield that protects you from negative energy influences, sadness and grief. Turquoise - brings happiness and success in financial affairs. Protection...
Jasper - symbolizes power, inner strength and endurance, spiritual growth, wisdom and deep knowledge. Helps to establish relations with management and employees. Develops eloquence. Protects from evil fate. Provides unique attractiveness and promotes success in the opposite sex. It inspires faith in one's own abilities. Turquoise - brings happiness and...
Довжина намиста - 49 см.
Цитрин, завдяки кристалічній формі і жовтого кольору, вважається каменем, впитавшим сонячну енергію. А тому власник цитрину вправі розраховувати на енергетичну підтримку з його боку при занепаду життєвих сил, апатії, депресії. Цитрин піднімає самооцінку, додає впевненість у собі, впорядковує думки, спонукає до творчості. Він здатний притягувати удачу у...
Довжина намиста - 54 см.
Магічні властивості бурштину так само різноманітні, як і лікувальні. Наприклад, бурштинові намиста слід носити годуючим матерям, щоб у дитини згодом виробився веселий і добрий характер. Шматок необробленого бурштину потрібно класти біля подушки, щоб відлякувати злих духів в той час, коли людина найбільш вразлива - під час сну. Цей мінерал здатний утішити...
БІРЮЗА - один з найпопулярніших мінералів. Уже багато століть цей самоцвіт використовують для виготовлення прикрас котрі захищають його влас¬ника від пристріту, підсилюють його енергію та інтуїцію, зміцнюють силу духу бірюза зміцнює мир в сім'ї, сприяє взаєморозумінню подружжя, роз-пинає успіхи у фінансових справах. Вона вважається самоцвітом, що...
БІРЮЗА - один з найпопулярніших мінералів. Уже багато століть цей самоцвіт використовують для виготовлення прикрас котрі захищають його влас¬ника від пристріту, підсилюють його енергію та інтуїцію, зміцнюють силу духу бірюза зміцнює мир в сім'ї, сприяє взаєморозумінню подружжя, роз-пинає успіхи у фінансових справах. Вона вважається самоцвітом, що...
БІРЮЗА - один з найпопулярніших мінералів. Уже багато століть цей самоцвіт використовують для виготовлення прикрас котрі захищають його влас¬ника від пристріту, підсилюють його енергію та інтуїцію, зміцнюють силу духу бірюза зміцнює мир в сім'ї, сприяє взаєморозумінню подружжя, роз-пинає успіхи у фінансових справах. Вона вважається самоцвітом, що...