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Zircon is a stone of energy, stamina and stability. A talisman from ill-wishers, envious people. Strengthens charisma, attractiveness, intuition. Strengthens mental abilities and increases the desire for knowledge. Protects against negative energy. Helps to make wise decisions.
Zircon is a stone of energy, stamina and stability. A talisman from ill-wishers, envious people. Strengthens charisma, attractiveness, intuition. Strengthens mental abilities and increases the desire for knowledge. Protects against negative energy. Helps to make wise decisions. Citrine is a stone of success and wealth. Raises self-esteem, adds...
Obsidian is a stone of optimists. Strengthens intuition. Helps increase inner strength and endurance, in achieving goals and conquering desired peaks. Gives mystery and unsurpassedness. Improves concentration. Increases motivation and will to act. Zircon is a stone of energy, endurance and resilience. A talisman against ill-wishers, envious people....
Obsidian is a stone of optimists. Strengthens intuition. Helps increase inner strength and endurance, in achieving goals and conquering desired peaks. Gives mystery and unsurpassedness. Improves concentration. Increases motivation and will to act. Zircon is a stone of energy, endurance and resilience. A talisman against ill-wishers, envious people....
Zircon is a stone of energy, stamina and stability. A talisman from ill-wishers, envious people. Strengthens charisma, attractiveness, intuition. Strengthens mental abilities and increases the desire for knowledge. Protects against negative energy. Helps to make wise decisions.
Zircon is a stone of energy, stamina and stability. A talisman from ill-wishers, envious people. Strengthens charisma, attractiveness, intuition. Strengthens mental abilities and increases the desire for knowledge. Protects against negative energy. Helps to make wise decisions.
Zircon is a stone of energy, stamina and stability. A talisman from ill-wishers, envious people. Strengthens charisma, attractiveness, intuition. Strengthens mental abilities and increases the desire for knowledge. Protects against negative energy. Helps to make wise decisions.
Zircon is a stone of energy, stamina and stability. A talisman from ill-wishers, envious people. Strengthens charisma, attractiveness, intuition. Strengthens mental abilities and increases the desire for knowledge. Protects against negative energy. Helps to make wise decisions.
AQUAMARINE is a stone of friendship and justice, protects its owner from dangers and deception, will add prudence. This gem helps relieve stress, nervous tension, and find mental balance. Increases the level of romance and harmony in a couple. Protects from troubles. Helps you feel inner peace and emotional balance in today's world. Zircon is a stone of...
Zircon protects from ill-wishers, envious people, Brings to light people who want to deceive you, Strengthens the charisma of the owner, makes him more attractive to others, Helps to act in difficult situations, If you carry the stone with you, you will be warmly welcomed everywhere, Brings luck and success in business, Sharpens intuition, helps to...
Zircon protects from ill-wishers, envious people, Brings to light people who want to deceive you, Strengthens the charisma of the owner, makes him more attractive to others, Helps to act in difficult situations, If you carry the stone with you, you will be warmly welcomed everywhere, Brings luck and success in business, Sharpens intuition, helps to...
Цей мінерал - помічник для творчих людей. Вони в будь-який момент зможуть черпати натхнення, свіжі і яскраві ідеї, дивлячись на неперевершену гру світла в мінералі. Такі камені здатні лікувати своїх власників від туги і самотності. Заряджають позитивом, життєвою енергією і позбавляють від різних сумних думок. Найкраще носити волосиста так, щоб він...
Цей мінерал - помічник для творчих людей. Вони в будь-який момент зможуть черпати натхнення, свіжі і яскраві ідеї, дивлячись на неперевершену гру світла в мінералі. Такі камені здатні лікувати своїх власників від туги і самотності. Заряджають позитивом, життєвою енергією і позбавляють від різних сумних думок. Найкраще носити волосиста так, щоб він...
Zircon protects from ill-wishers, envious people, Brings to light people who want to deceive you, Strengthens the charisma of the owner, makes him more attractive to others, Helps to act in difficult situations, If you carry the stone with you, you will be warmly welcomed everywhere, Brings luck and success in business, Sharpens intuition, helps to...
Циркон оберіг від недоброзичливців, заздрісників, Виводить на чисту воду людей, які хочуть вас обдурити, Підсилює харизму власника, робить його привабливішим для оточуючих, Допомагає діяти у складних ситуаціях, Якщо ви носитимете камінь при собі, вас усюди чекатиме теплий прийом, Приносить удачу та успіх у справах, Загострює інтуїцію, допомагає проникати...
Zircon protects from ill-wishers, envious people, Brings to light people who want to deceive you, Strengthens the charisma of the owner, makes him more attractive to others, Helps to act in difficult situations, If you carry the stone with you, you will be warmly welcomed everywhere, Brings luck and success in business, Sharpens intuition, helps to...
Zircon protects from ill-wishers, envious people, Brings to light people who want to deceive you, Strengthens the charisma of the owner, makes him more attractive to others, Helps to act in difficult situations, If you carry the stone with you, you will be warmly welcomed everywhere, Brings luck and success in business, Sharpens intuition, helps to...