Pink quartz
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Rock crystal is a symbol of light and energy in your life. Has the property of increasing and purifying energy. Helps you experience increased vitality. Strengthens the connection with the inner self. Concentrates attention, makes speech persuasive, improves interaction with other people. Rhodonite is a symbol of internal harmony and love. Develops...
Rose quartz is a stone of love and joy; symbolizes health, youth, enhances female attractiveness. This mineral attracts success to its owner, develops a positive outlook on life, improves mood, and increases self-esteem
Aquamarine is a stone of friendship and justice, protects its owner from dangers and deception, will add prudence. This gem helps relieve stress, nervous tension, and find mental balance. Increases the level of romance and harmony in a couple. Protects from troubles. Helps you feel inner peace and emotional balance in today's world. Rose quartz is a stone...
Pearls are a symbol of femininity, tenderness and grace, prosperity and well-being, an elixir of youth. They drive away melancholy and worries, restore lost strength, preserve beauty. Strengthen feelings of love and deep friendship. They promote mutual understanding, relaxation and inner mental balance Rose quartz is a stone of love and joy; symbolizes...
Rose quartz is a stone of love and joy; symbolizes health, youth, enhances female attractiveness. This mineral attracts success to its owner, develops a positive outlook on life, improves mood, and increases self-esteem Mother of pearl is a symbol of female energy and wisdom. A source of health, mysterious strength and beauty. Develops intuition,...
Rose quartz is a symbol of unconditional love and harmony in relationships, health, youth, enhances female attractiveness. Attracts success. Improves mood. Increases self-esteem. Helps to believe in yourself and your own capabilities. Rock crystal is a symbol of light and energy in your life. Has the property of increasing and purifying energy. Helps you...
Rose quartz is a stone of love and joy; symbolizes health, youth, enhances female attractiveness. This mineral attracts success to its owner, develops a positive outlook on life, improves mood, and increases self-esteem. Pearls are a symbol of femininity, tenderness and grace, prosperity and well-being, an elixir of youth. They drive away melancholy and...
Citrine is a stone of success and wealth. Raises self-esteem, adds self-confidence, organizes thoughts, encourages creativity. Attracts opportunities and luck in financial affairs. Reduces fatigue. Protects against negative energy. Amethyst is a symbol of sincerity, harmony and protection from negative energies. Strengthens intuition, helps improve sleep,...
Quartz is a stone of strengthening energy and self-discipline. Enhances beauty, attractiveness, sexual energy. Opens imagination and inspiration in creative people. Attracts wealth and success. Protects against negative energy. Opal is a stone of love, faith and compassion. Symbolizes patience and tolerance. Develops intuition and spirituality. Helps to...
Rose quartz is a stone of love and joy; symbolizes health, youth, enhances female attractiveness. This mineral attracts success to its owner, develops a positive outlook on life, improves mood, and increases self-esteem. Pearls are the elixir of youth, drive away melancholy and worries, restore lost strength, preserve beauty. It is a symbol of prosperity...
Amazonite is a stone of courage and devotion. Creates a good mood, relieves feelings of anxiety and uncertainty, promotes conflict resolution. Helps to make wise decisions, strengthen family relationships and build a strong family. Kaholong is a stone of peace, harmony and spiritual development. Strengthens well-being and relationships in the family....
Rose quartz is a symbol of unconditional love and harmony in relationships, health, youth, enhances female attractiveness. Attracts success. Improves mood. Increases self-esteem. It helps to believe in yourself and your own abilities. Pearls are a symbol of femininity, tenderness and grace, prosperity and well-being, an elixir of youth. They drive away...
Rose quartz is a symbol of unconditional love and harmony in relationships, health, youth, enhances female attractiveness. Attracts success. Improves mood. Increases self-esteem. It helps to believe in yourself and your own abilities. Jadeite is a symbol of positive attitude and well-being. Relieves emotional tension. Aligns disturbed energy. Contributes...
Rose quartz is a stone of love and joy; symbolizes health, youth, enhances female attractiveness. This mineral attracts success to its owner, develops a positive outlook on life, improves mood, and increases self-esteem
Pearls are a symbol of femininity, tenderness and grace, prosperity and well-being, an elixir of youth. They drive away melancholy and worries, restore lost strength, preserve beauty. Strengthen feelings of love and deep friendship. They promote mutual understanding, relaxation and inner mental balance. Rose quartz is a symbol of unconditional love and...
Rose quartz is a stone of love and joy; symbolizes health, youth, enhances female attractiveness. This mineral attracts success to its owner, develops a positive outlook on life, improves mood, and increases self-esteem. Pearls are a symbol of femininity, tenderness and grace, prosperity and well-being, an elixir of youth. They drive away melancholy and...
Quartz is a stone of strengthening energy and self-discipline. Increases your vitality and sense of stamina. Improves meditation. Protects against negative energy. Helps to focus on your goals. Enhances beauty, attractiveness, sexual energy. Rose quartz is a stone of love and joy; symbolizes health, youth, enhances female attractiveness. This mineral...
Довжина намиста - 51 см.
Довжина намиста - 47 см. Розмір каменю - 10 мм.
Гранат - камінь любові, котрий здатний збудити любовні втіхи і розвеселити душу. Він відганяє сум та приносить радість власникові. Гранат стимулює волю і витривалість, сприяє розвитку почуття гідності та вважається символом вірності і відданості.
Rose quartz is a stone of love and joy; symbolizes health, youth, enhances female attractiveness. This mineral attracts success to its owner, develops a positive outlook on life, improves mood, and increases self-esteem. Pearls are a symbol of femininity, tenderness and grace, prosperity and well-being, an elixir of youth. They drive away melancholy and...
Аметист - символ щирості, та чистосердечності, сприяє досягненню внутрішнього спокою, гасить душевний біль і тривогу, допомагає контролювати емоції Вважається, що цей мінерал наділяє людину проникливістю, зміцнює стійкість проти спокус, оберігає від пристріту. Прикраси з аметисту кладуть під подушку, щоб бачити хороші сни.
Довжина намиста - 47 см. Розмір каменю - 8 мм.
Довжина намиста - 47 см. Розмір каменю - 8 мм.