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Variscite is the stone of people striving for spiritual development. Helps to improve the quality of communication and mutual understanding, communication. Increases emotional stability in difficult situations. Strengthens your creativity, inner strength and self-confidence. Onyx is a symbol of luck, success, beauty, popularity and fame. Absorbs negative...
Aquamarine is a stone of friendship and justice, protects its owner from dangers and deception, will add prudence. This gem helps relieve stress, nervous tension, find mental balance. Increases the level of romance and harmony in a couple. Protects against adversity. Helps you feel inner peace and emotional balance in the modern world. Variscite is a...
Mother of pearl is a symbol of female energy and wisdom. A source of health, mysterious strength and beauty. Develops intuition, oratorical abilities. Keeps peace and tranquility in the family. Eliminates conflicts in the team. Variscite is the stone of people striving for spiritual development. Helps to improve the quality of communication and mutual...
Variscite is the stone of people striving for spiritual development. If you meditate with it, it will help reveal the most unexpected abilities and possibilities of its owner. Variscite makes its owner compassionate, sensitive to the suffering and troubles of other people, forces its owner to help everyone who needs help (even if he is not asked for it).
Варисцит - камінь людей, що прагнуть до духовного розвитку. Якщо з ним медитувати, він допоможе розкрити найнесподіваніші здатності і можливості свого власника. Варисцит робить свого господаря милосердним, чуйним до страждань і негараздів інших людей, змушує свого власника допомагати всім, хто потребує допомоги (навіть якщо його про це і не просять).
Агат - символ здоров'я, процвітання та довголіття. Прикраси з агату роблять його власника приємним у спілкуванні, красномовним у публічних виступах, оберігають від підступів ворогів. Цей мінерал використовується в якості оберегу «від порчі», сприяє поліпшенню добробуту.
Variscite is the stone of people striving for spiritual development. If you meditate with it, it will help reveal the most unexpected abilities and possibilities of its owner. Variscite makes its owner compassionate, sensitive to the suffering and troubles of other people, forces its owner to help everyone who needs help (even if he is not asked for it).
Variscite is the stone of people striving for spiritual development. If you meditate with it, it will help reveal the most unexpected abilities and possibilities of its owner. Variscite makes its owner compassionate, sensitive to the suffering and troubles of other people, forces its owner to help everyone who needs help (even if he is not asked for it).
Variscite is the stone of people striving for spiritual development. If you meditate with it, it will help reveal the most unexpected abilities and possibilities of its owner. Variscite makes its owner compassionate, sensitive to the suffering and troubles of other people, forces its owner to help everyone who needs help (even if he is not asked for it).