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Sunstone (plagioclase, heliolite) is a symbol of joy, creativity, intuition. Gives energy, cheerfulness and positivity. Raises self-esteem, mood and restores the state of mind. Enhances creativity and inspiration. Helps to implement new ideas into life. Inspires for great achievements. Protects against energy vampires.
Angelite is a stone of angelic energy. Gives courage and energy to realize the boldest ideas. Protects against conflicts. Gets rid of depression and failures. Drives away negative and pessimistic thoughts. Clears the mind. Sunstone (plagioclase, heliolite) is a symbol of joy, creativity, intuition. Gives energy, cheerfulness and positivity. Raises...
Zoisite - talismans of harmony and self-realization. Strengthens intuition. Helps to make the right decisions. Develops creative abilities. Promotes self-expression and communication. Increases the effectiveness of spiritual practices and meditations. Protects against negative energy. Sunstone (plagioclase, heliolite) is a symbol of joy, creativity,...
Apatite is a stone of pacification, communication and harmony. Protects against negative energy and troubles. Increases motivation. Reduces irritability and nervousness. Eliminates guilt. Helps in the development of spiritual abilities and self-improvement. Emphasizes the ability to clearly express one's thoughts. Sunstone (plagioclase, heliolite) is a...
Sunstone (plagioclase, heliolite) is a symbol of joy, creativity, intuition. Gives energy, cheerfulness and positivity. Raises self-esteem, mood and restores the state of mind. Enhances creativity and inspiration. Helps to implement new ideas into life. Inspires for great achievements. Protects against energy vampires.Pearls are a symbol of femininity,...
AMAZONITE is a stone of courage and devotion. Creates a good mood, relieves feelings of anxiety and uncertainty, promotes conflict resolution. Helps to make wise decisions, strengthen family relationships and build a strong family. Repels negative energy, opens up new opportunities, stimulates you to self-improvement and development. Sunstone...
Smoky topaz is a symbol of wisdom, harmony and intuition. Protects from envy, negative energies. Develops character strength. Helps successfully overcome any difficulties. Relieves stress and anxiety. Strengthens your will and determination. Sunstone (plagioclase, heliolite) is a symbol of joy, creativity, intuition. Gives energy, cheerfulness and...
Sunstone (plagioclase, heliolite) is a symbol of joy, creativity, intuition. Gives energy, cheerfulness and positivity. Raises self-esteem, mood and restores the state of mind. Enhances creativity and inspiration. Helps to implement new ideas into life. Inspires for great achievements. Protects against energy vampires. Apatite is a stone of pacification,...
Angelite is a stone of angelic energy. Gives courage and energy to realize the boldest ideas. Protects against conflicts. Gets rid of depression and failures. Protects against negative and pessimistic thoughts. Cleanses consciousness. Sunstone (plagioclase, heliolite) is a symbol of joy, creativity, intuition. Gives energy, cheerfulness and positivity....
Jadeite is a symbol of positive attitude and well-being. Relieves emotional tension. Aligns disturbed energy. Contributes to achieving inner peace and facilitating the practice of meditation. Eliminates dependence on weather conditions. Strengthens feelings of generosity and trust in oneself and others. Sunstone (plagioclase, heliolite) is a symbol of...
Sunstone (plagioclase, heliolite) is a symbol of joy, creativity, intuition. Gives energy, cheerfulness and positivity. Raises self-esteem, mood and restores the state of mind. Enhances creativity and inspiration. Helps to implement new ideas into life. Inspires for great achievements. Protects against energy vampires. Moonstone - emphasizes your...
Sunstone (plagioclase, heliolite) is a symbol of joy, creativity, intuition. Gives energy, cheerfulness and positivity. Raises self-esteem, mood and restores the state of mind. Enhances creativity and inspiration. Helps to implement new ideas into life. Inspires for great achievements. Protects against energy vampires.
AMAZONITE is a stone of courage and devotion. Creates a good mood, relieves feelings of anxiety and uncertainty, promotes conflict resolution. Helps to make wise decisions, strengthen family relationships and build a strong family. Repels negative energy, opens up new opportunities, stimulates you to self-improvement and development. Sunstone...
Перламутр-застосовувався вже на перших ступенях людської культури. Його міцність, чудова чистота, ошатність і гра кольорів, блиск і рідкісний радісна оці ніжність фарб, які наводять на думки про хвилях і хмарах, про приємній прохолоді і сонячних променях, - ось у чому його завжди приваблива для людини сила. В якості талісмана перламутр здатний допомогти...
Гранат - камінь любові, котрий здатний збудити любовні втіхи і розвеселити душу. Він відганяє сум та приносить радість власникові. Гранат стимулює волю і витривалість, сприяє розвитку почуття гідності та вважається символом вірності і відданості.