Hawk eye

  • Pendant "Cocktail" Amber, Falcon's eye cylinder, Carnelian

    Amber is a symbol of well-being, wealth and success. Neutralizes negative energy and stimulates positive energy. Attracts joy and well-being. Relieves fatigue. It is a source of creative forces, faith and optimism. Hawk eye helps to develop self-discipline, intelligence, endurance, purposefulness. Enhances intuition, strength and power. Ensures success in...

    339 грн 305 грн

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  • Exclusive pendant "Tanita" Falcon, Bull, Tiger's eye galotka

    FALCON EYE has the ability to help understand the essence of events. This stone promotes the development of insight, establishing cause and effect relationships. Stone will be equally useful to a housewife going shopping to a store and a businessman. The only thing that the stone does not tolerate is laziness, indifference, apathy, inactivity. Bull's eye...

    319 грн 287 грн

    In Stock
  • Exclusive pendant "Stylish" Falcon's eye

    HAWK EYEhas the ability to help understand the essence of events. This stone promotes the development of insight, establishing cause and effect relationships. Stone will be equally useful to a housewife going shopping to a store and a businessman. The only thing that the stone does not tolerate is laziness, indifference, apathy, inactivity.

    249 грн 224 грн

    In Stock