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Lava There are 25 products.

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Showing 1 - 24 of 25 items
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    278 грн. 309 грн. -10% In Stock

    Coral is a symbol of happiness, hope and tender love. Contributes to couple relations and the development of family happiness. Gives strength and courage to overcome difficulties. It serves as an energy shield that protects you from negative energy influences, sadness and grief. The bench symbolizes transformation. Cleanses the aura of negative energy...

    278 грн. 309 грн. -10%
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    305 грн. 339 грн. -10% In Stock

    Hematite symbolizes courage and wisdom, your inner strength and determination. Contributes to stability, preservation of optimism and will. Protects against negative energy and troubles, maintains emotional balance. Helps to overcome fatigue and stress. The bench symbolizes transformation. Cleanses the aura of negative energy and negative vibration....

    305 грн. 339 грн. -10%
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    638 грн. 709 грн. -10% In Stock

    Rock crystal is a symbol of light and energy in your life. Has the property of increasing and purifying energy. Helps you experience increased vitality. Strengthens the connection with the inner self. Concentrates attention, makes speech persuasive, improves interaction with other people. Lava symbolizes transformation. Cleanses the aura of negative...

    638 грн. 709 грн. -10%
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    341 грн. 379 грн. -10% In Stock

    Rock crystal is a symbol of light and energy in your life. Has the property of increasing and purifying energy. Helps you experience increased vitality. Strengthens the connection with the inner self. Concentrates attention, makes speech persuasive, improves interaction with other people. Lava symbolizes transformation. Cleanses the aura of negative...

    341 грн. 379 грн. -10%
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    305 грн. 339 грн. -10% In Stock

    Chrysocolla is a stone of harmony, communication and spiritual growth. Helps maintain balance in various aspects of life. Strengthens the ability to express one's thoughts. Develops intuition and stimulates creative potential. Soothes, relaxes and helps manage stress. The bench symbolizes transformation. Cleanses the aura of negative energy and negative...

    305 грн. 339 грн. -10%
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    305 грн. 339 грн. -10% In Stock

    Moonstone - emphasizes your femininity and tenderness. The mineral of the unity of lovers. Softens and brings closer relations. Gives well-being and longevity. Perceives and attracts sincere love. Strengthens female energy, intuition, inner wisdom. Protects against bad sleep by creating an energy shield. The bench symbolizes transformation. Cleanses the...

    305 грн. 339 грн. -10%
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    323 грн. 359 грн. -10% In Stock

    Moonstone - emphasizes your femininity and tenderness. The mineral of the unity of lovers. Softens and brings closer relations. Gives well-being and longevity. Perceives and attracts sincere love. Strengthens female energy, intuition, inner wisdom. Protects against bad sleep by creating an energy shield. The bench symbolizes transformation. Cleanses the...

    323 грн. 359 грн. -10%
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    683 грн. 759 грн. -10% In Stock

    Lava. For people striving for knowledge, the stone helps them gain clarity of thought, cope with anxiety, concentrate as much as possible on work and reveal all their mental capabilities in mastering a particular science. Cat's eye wards off negative energy, negative opinions and evil intentions. Helps to reveal potential, talents, and make wise...

    683 грн. 759 грн. -10%
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    341 грн. 379 грн. -10% In Stock

    Lava symbolizes transformation. Cleanses the aura of negative energy and negative vibration. Facilitates accepted changes in life. Creates clarity of thought. Helps to cope with anxiety, to concentrate on work as much as possible. Reveals all his mental capabilities. Gives all strength and peace to a person who is looking for his purpose. Hematite...

    341 грн. 379 грн. -10%
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    323 грн. 359 грн. -10% In Stock

    Lava symbolizes transformation. Cleanses the aura of negative energy and negative vibration. Facilitates accepted changes in life. Creates clarity of thought. Helps to cope with anxiety, to concentrate on work as much as possible. Reveals all his mental capabilities. Gives all strength and peace to a person who is looking for his purpose. Shungite is a...

    323 грн. 359 грн. -10%
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    314 грн. 349 грн. -10% In Stock

    Lava symbolizes transformation. Cleanses the aura of negative energy and negative vibration. Facilitates accepted changes in life. Creates clarity of thought. Helps to cope with anxiety, to concentrate on work as much as possible. Reveals all his mental capabilities. Gives all strength and peace to a person who is looking for his purpose. Shungite is a...

    314 грн. 349 грн. -10%
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    287 грн. 319 грн. -10% In Stock

    Lava symbolizes transformation. Cleanses the aura of negative energy and negative vibration. Facilitates accepted changes in life. Creates clarity of thought. Helps to cope with anxiety, to concentrate on work as much as possible. Reveals all his mental capabilities. Gives all strength and peace to a person who is looking for his purpose.

    287 грн. 319 грн. -10%
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    449 грн. 499 грн. -10% In Stock

    Coral is a symbol of happiness, hope and tender love. Contributes to couple relations and the development of family happiness. Gives strength and courage to overcome difficulties. It serves as an energy shield that protects you from negative energy influences, sadness and grief. Lava symbolizes transformation. Cleanses the aura of negative energy and...

    449 грн. 499 грн. -10%
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    539 грн. 599 грн. -10% In Stock

    Pearls are a symbol of femininity, tenderness and grace, prosperity and well-being, an elixir of youth. They drive away melancholy and worries, restore lost strength, preserve beauty. Strengthen feelings of love and deep friendship. They promote mutual understanding, relaxation and inner mental balance. Lava symbolizes transformation. Cleanses the aura...

    539 грн. 599 грн. -10%
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    359 грн. 399 грн. -10% In Stock

    Rock crystal is a symbol of light and energy in your life. Has the property of increasing and purifying energy. Helps you experience increased vitality. Strengthens the connection with the inner self. Concentrates attention, makes speech persuasive, improves interaction with other people. Lava symbolizes transformation. Cleanses the aura of negative...

    359 грн. 399 грн. -10%
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    440 грн. 489 грн. -10% In Stock

    Розмір браслета - 17 

    440 грн. 489 грн. -10%
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    620 грн. 689 грн. -10% In Stock

    Магічні властивості бурштину так само різноманітні, як і лікувальні. Наприклад, бурштинові намиста слід носити годуючим матерям, щоб у дитини згодом виробився веселий і добрий характер. Шматок необробленого бурштину потрібно класти біля подушки, щоб відлякувати злих духів в той час, коли людина найбільш вразлива - під час сну. Цей мінерал здатний утішити...

    620 грн. 689 грн. -10%
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    611 грн. 679 грн. -10% In Stock

    Розмір браслета - 16

    611 грн. 679 грн. -10%
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    359 грн. 399 грн. -10% In Stock

    Розмір браслета - регулюється

    359 грн. 399 грн. -10%
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    431 грн. 479 грн. -10% In Stock

    Довжина намиста - 40 см.  Розмір каменю - 8 мм. 

    431 грн. 479 грн. -10%
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    305 грн. 339 грн. -10% In Stock

    Сердолік здавна служив символом вірною кохання. Згідно з стародавнім віруванням, він оберігає від людської недоброзичливості, підступності ворогів і пристріту. Цей мінерал - чудовий оберіг, створює навколо себе велике оздоровлююче поле, підвищує імунітет, зміцнює організм. Вико­ристовується також в якості талісману у дальніх шляхах та торгівельних справах.

    305 грн. 339 грн. -10%
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    287 грн. 319 грн. -10% In Stock

    Людям, які прагнуть до знань, камінь допомагає знайти чіткість думки, впоратися з хвилюванням, максимально зосередитися на роботі і розкрити всі свої розумові можливості по оволодінню тій чи іншій наукою. Недарма лава вважається каменем знання. Особливо студентам, пізнає величезний пласт інформації, мінерал стане незамінним помічником.Наповнений...

    287 грн. 319 грн. -10%
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    242 грн. 269 грн. -10% In Stock

    Людям, які прагнуть до знань, камінь допомагає знайти чіткість думки, впоратися з хвилюванням, максимально зосередитися на роботі і розкрити всі свої розумові можливості по оволодінню тій чи іншій наукою. Недарма лава вважається каменем знання. Особливо студентам, пізнає величезний пласт інформації, мінерал стане незамінним помічником.Наповнений...

    242 грн. 269 грн. -10%
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    260 грн. 289 грн. -10% In Stock

    Розмір браслета - 17

    260 грн. 289 грн. -10%
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Showing 1 - 24 of 25 items