Ring Carnelian 10x10mm, silver


Carnelian symbolizes strength, courage, determination and confidence. Stimulates creativity and ingenuity. Helps to find new solutions and ideas, to overcome difficulties. A talisman in love relationships, a patron of marriage and improves relations between spouses. Opens up new opportunities in business.

1 349 грн

Data sheet

Type of product: Ring
Fireplace inserts: Carnelian
Color: Brown
Sex: Women's
Horoscope: 29: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn
Stone: Natural
Metal: Silver

More info

Products can be made to order of any size and design. Pay attention! Since the jewelry is handmade and made of natural stones, they may differ slightly from those shown on the website.


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