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Exclusive earrings "Rococo" Pearls coin


PEARLS It is believed that looking at pearls calms the psyche, brings mental balance and peace of mind. Pearls are the elixir of youth, drive away melancholy and worries, restore lost strength, and preserve beauty. It is a symbol of prosperity and well-being.

449 грн

Data sheet

Type of product: Earrings
Fireplace inserts: Pearls
Color: White
Sex: Women's
Horoscope: 12: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces
Stone: Natural
Size of a stone: 10 mm
Metal: Medical alloy
Product length with a clasp: 5 см.

More info


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