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Exclusive brooch "Forest berry" Adular, Coral crumb


Розмір брошки -80*30 мм.

679 грн

Data sheet

Type of product: Brooch
Fireplace inserts: Coral, Moonstone
Color: Red, White
Sex: Women's
Horoscope: 19: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces
Stone: Natural
Size of a stone: 10 mm
Product length with a clasp: 6 cm

More info

Adular is a moonstone.

In order for the healing properties of adular to be fully revealed, direct contact between the stone and the person is necessary. It doesn't matter how you will wear jewelry made of adulyar - as a body amulet, ring or earrings - the main thing is to ensure, if not constant interaction between the skin and the gem, then frequent touching.

Wearing adulary calms a person, relieves irritation, relaxes, helps to "disconnect" from worries. The anti-stress factor of moonstone is so powerful that lithotherapists recommend wearing adular even to epileptics. A good gem also in the prevention of sleep disorders. 

Esoterics attribute the precious moonstone to the element of water, and healers note: adular is the first assistant in urolithiasis. It helps to get rid of salt deposits both in the joints and in the bile ducts. Adular relieves congestion, activates lymph and blood circulation - especially venous.

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