
Exclusive brooch "Honey Autumn" Mother of pearl cube 8 mm, Carnelian, Sun stone crumb


Mother-of-pearl was used already at the first stages of human culture. Its strength, excellent purity, elegance and play of colors, shine and rare joyous tenderness of colors that bring to mind waves and clouds, pleasant coolness and sun rays - this is its power that always attracts people.

As a talisman, mother-of-pearl can help its owner bring new things into life. It helps to develop intuition, preserve peace and tranquility in the family, protects the home from evil spirits. It is believed that mother-of-pearl products can serve as an amulet that prolongs the life of its owner.

341 грн


379 грн

Data sheet

Type of product: Brooch
Fireplace inserts: Mother of pearl
Color: Brown
Sex: Women's
Horoscope: 21: suitable for all zodiac signs
Stone: Natural
Size of a stone: 8 mm
Metal: Medical alloy

More info

Products can be made to order of any size and design. Pay attention! Since the jewelry is handmade and made of natural stones, they may differ slightly from those shown on the website.

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