Coralis a symbol of happiness, hope and tender love. They ensure success in the opposite sex. This mineral is associated with pure thoughts, will help prevent impending troubles, the evil eye; contribute to the acquisition of family happiness. Coral jewelry is an excellent remedy for sadness and grief.
Coralis a symbol of happiness, hope and tender love. They ensure success in the opposite sex. This mineral is associated with pure thoughts, will help prevent impending troubles, the evil eye; contribute to the acquisition of family happiness. Coral jewelry is an excellent remedy for sadness and grief.
Malachiteis a symbol of wish fulfillment. Since ancient times, it has been believed that amulets made of this stone protect against the evil eye, strengthen spiritual forces, and help achieve intended goals. Another unique property of malachite is to arouse increased interest in its owner.
LABRADOR awakens hidden talents in a person and helps to develop them, gives vivid dreams and forces its owner to try to "embrace the immeasurable". The stone is recommended to be worn by mature people who are already 30 years old. Labrador is considered an amulet of creative people, it brings them inspiration, the ability to "catch a wave", and at the...
TOURMALINE -a stone that cleanses and heals. Under the influence of tourmaline, a person becomes morally focused, courageous, and more resilient. Tourmaline is a powerful healer. Works with all chakras according to color. Strengthens the body and mind, eliminates anxiety and fear.
Sodalite is considered a stone of wisdom. The stone helps to get rid of guilt and old fears, increases the power of the mind and the ability to control one's own actions, concentrate on one's feelings, and listen to intuition. The white veins cutting through the dark blue sodalite symbolize the light that gives a person the opportunity to organize his...
HAWK EYEhas the ability to help understand the essence of events. This stone promotes the development of insight, establishing cause and effect relationships. Stone will be equally useful to a housewife going shopping to a store and a businessman.
Як талісман шунгіт може використовуватися у вигляді куль, пірамідок або кубиків. Це камінь молодих енергійних людей. Талісман у вигляді кулі приносить своєму господареві успіхи в любовних справах. Талісман у вигляді пірамідки використовується для захисту житла від темних сил і негативної енергії. Талісман у вигляді кубика використовується для залучення...
Морганіт не тільки красивий камінь, він ще й має лікувальні властивості. Його рекомендують носити людям з сильним фізичним і душевним виснаженням, захворюваннями нервової системи та психіки. Енергетика морганіта настільки велика, що з легкістю допомагає людині, яка носить його постійно, вийти зі стресу, заспокоїти нервову систему. Навіть саме забарвлення...
For people who strive for knowledge, the stone helps them find clarity of thought, cope with anxiety, concentrate on work as much as possible and reveal all their mental capabilities to master this or that science. It is not for nothing that lava is considered a stone of knowledge. Especially for students, who will learn a huge layer of information, the...
Людям, які прагнуть до знань, камінь допомагає знайти чіткість думки, впоратися з хвилюванням, максимально зосередитися на роботі і розкрити всі свої розумові можливості по оволодінню тій чи іншій наукою. Недарма лава вважається каменем знання. Особливо студентам, пізнає величезний пласт інформації, мінерал стане незамінним помічником. Наповнений...
MOUNTAIN CRYSTAL means ice in Greek. Ancient scientists believed that rock crystal is eternally frozen and unmelted ice. Mountain crystal concentrates attention, sharpens mental processes, makes speech persuasive, calms the nervous system.
AQUAMARINE is a stone of friendship and justice, protects its owner from dangers and deception, will add prudence. This gem helps relieve stress, nervous tension, and find mental balance.
Aquamarineis a stone of friendship and justice, protects its owner from dangers and deception, will add prudence. This gem helps relieve stress, nervous tension, and find mental balance.
HAWK EYEhas the ability to help understand the essence of events. This stone promotes the development of insight, establishing cause and effect relationships. Stone will be equally useful to a housewife going shopping to a store and a businessman. The only thing that the stone does not tolerate is laziness, indifference, apathy, inactivity.
PearlsIt is believed that looking at pearls calms the psyche, brings mental balance and peace of mind. Pearls are the elixir of youth, drive away melancholy and worries, restore lost strength, and preserve beauty. It is a symbol of prosperity and well-being.
He protected the tiger's eyefrom the evil eye, slander, "damage". It is the best talisman for business people. It protects against bankruptcy, financial losses, strengthens common sense, helps to concentrate attention on the most important issues.
JASPER is one of the oldest minerals with unique properties. It is believed that jewelry this stone helps to establish relations with management and employees, develops eloquence, protects against evil fate. This gem gives its owner unique attractiveness and promotes success in the opposite sex.
JASPER is one of the oldest minerals with unique properties. It is believed that jewelry this stone helps to establish relations with management and employees, develops eloquence, protects against evil fate. This gem gives its owner unique attractiveness and promotes success in the opposite sex.
In order for the healing properties of adular to be fully realized, direct contact between the stone and the person is necessary. It doesn't matter how you will wear jewelry with adular - as a body amulet, a ring or earrings - the main thing is to ensure, if not constant interaction of the skin and the gem, then frequent touches.
Wearing adulara calms a...
HEMATITE (hemorrhoid) - named after its Greek "haimatos" - blood, symbolizes courage and wisdom, helps to preserve optimism and will, normalizes blood pressure.
ONYX is a symbol of luck and success, one of the strongest talismans for family and home hearth. It is believed that this stone contributes to the accumulation of vital forces, as it is able to absorb negative energy. Onyx helps to get rid of indecision and self-indulgence, it is a stone of self-confident people who know how to insist on their own....
Rose quartz is a stone of love and joy; symbolizes health, youth, enhances female attractiveness. This mineral attracts success to its owner, develops a positive outlook on life, improves mood, and increases self-esteem. Amethyst is a symbol of sincerity and sincerity, helps to achieve inner peace, extinguishes mental pain and anxiety, helps to control...
Рожевий кварц - камінь любові і радості; символізує здоров'я, молодість, підсилює жіночу привабливість. Цей мінерал притягує до власника успіх, розвиває позитивний погляд на життя, покращує настрій, підвищує самооцінку.
Аметист - символ щирості, та чистосердечності, сприяє досягненню внутрішнього спокою, гасить душевний біль і тривогу, допомагає...