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Знижка відображається в кошику!

Children's collection

  • Exclusive children's shamballa "Smile" Onyx

    Onyx is a symbol of luck, success, beauty, popularity and fame. Absorbs negative energy. Activates creativity in business. Helps in public speaking, making the right decision and generating new ideas for the development of one's own business. A strong charm for the family and home hearth. Brings wealth and well-being to the home.

    339 грн

    In Stock
  • Bracelet "Children's" Cat's eye

    «Котяче око» Більшість каміння з ефектом «котяче око» традиційно рахуються оберега­ми. Прикраси з ними носили, щоб захистити себе від злих сил, пристріту. Зокрема, вважається, що «котяче око» допомагає зберегти любов і обері­гає від зрад. Камінь з ефектом «котяче око» здатний м'яко привернути увагу до свого власника.

    279 грн

    In Stock
  • Bracelet "Child" Agate, Cat's eye

    Розмір браслета - 13 Розмір каменю - 8 мм. 

    279 грн

    In Stock
  • Bracelet "Children's" Amethyst, Mother of pearl

    Розмір браслета - 15, 19

    279 грн

    In Stock
  • Bracelet "Children's" Onyx, Cat's eye

    Розмір браслета -16 , на резинці Розмір каменю - 12 мм. 

    279 грн

    In Stock
  • Bracelet "Children's" Fluorite
    319 грн

    In Stock
  • Bracelet "Children's" Amethyst, Cat's eye

    Аметист -  символ щирості, та чистосердечності, сприяє досягненню внут­рішнього спокою, гасить душевний біль і тривогу, допомагає контролю­вати емоції Вважається, що цей мінерал наділяє людину проникливістю, зміцнює стійкість проти спокус, оберігає від пристріту. Прикраси з аме­тисту кладуть під подушку, щоб бачити хороші сни.

    279 грн

    In Stock
  • Exclusive hoop "Ukraine" Crystals
    599 грн

    In Stock
  • Exclusive children's shamballa "Happy Kettle" Cat's eye, Agate

    The size of the bracelet is 13 The size of the stone is 8 mm. 

    179 грн

    In Stock
  • Exclusive mother-of-pearl hoop
    479 грн

    In Stock
  • Shambhala "Baby" in the Mother of Pearl assortment
    249 грн

    In Stock

Children's jewelry for young fashionistas

All parents love their children infinitely and want to give them the best. It is not surprising that when a girl is born, mothers dress them up in the most beautiful clothes, choose beautiful bows and earrings. Eventually, the little beauties themselves show interest and want to be stylish like their mot...

Children's jewelry for young fashionistas

All parents love their children infinitely and want to give them the best. It is not surprising that when a girl is born, mothers dress them up in the most beautiful clothes, choose beautiful bows and earrings. Eventually, the little beauties themselves show interest and want to be stylish like their mothers, so they are interested in various decorations. 

Children's jewelry is becoming a separate niche in the jewelry sector and is increasing its turnover every year. Our store follows fashion trends and also presents children's jewelry. Among our products, you can choose earrings, bracelets, hair accessories, pendants for children made of natural stones. Such products do not cause allergies and look good on young beauties. In addition, a properly chosen pebble can become a talisman for your daughter and help her in life. Therefore, the decoration should look not only cute, but also carefully coordinated with the astrological calendar.

Features of the assortment and selection

Jewelry for children should be chosen carefully, paying attention to small details, namely:

  • High quality material. Synthetics, metals of dubious quality are not a good option. Therefore, our products made of natural materials perfectly meet this criterion. They do not contain allergens and undergo strict quality testing.

  • Thoughtful design to avoid any injuries. Young children use jewelry not only as an element of the wardrobe, but also as an interesting toy. It is worth choosing models that do not pose a threat to the child.

  • Convenience of the model. No matter how beautiful the earrings, bracelet or pendant are for a girl, first test whether the decoration will interfere. Check that the jewelry does not rub, irritate the skin or interfere with daily use.

Why should you choose "Fursa fashion"?

Parents are willing to do anything for their children to be happy and healthy. Therefore, as soon as the child wants some new whim, mom and dad rush to the store to fulfill it. At the same time, the main criteria they pursue are appearance, quality, price and safety. Our store fully meets these requirements. After all, our children's jewelry is made of natural stones, has simple and logical fastening methods that will not harm the child, and is affordable. 

You can buy the selected product online on the website of our store or offline at the addresses in Lviv and Ivano-Frankivsk. Do not delay and give the desired jewelry to your little beauty. After all, children are our greatest happiness.
