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Cat`s eye repels negative energy, negative thoughts and evil intentions. Helps reveal potential, talents, make wise decisions. It will support energetic development and self-improvement. Preserves love and protects against betrayal. Draws attention to its owner.
Pearls are a symbol of femininity, tenderness and grace, prosperity and well-being, an elixir of youth. They drive away melancholy and worries, restore lost strength, preserve beauty. Strengthen feelings of love and deep friendship. They promote mutual understanding, relaxation and inner mental balance
Pomegranate is a stone of love, strengthens the energy of love and improves relationships with loved ones. It drives away sadness and brings joy to the owner. Stimulates will and endurance, development of your creativity. It promotes the discovery of a sense of dignity and is considered a symbol of loyalty and devotion. To inspire new ideas and projects....
Agate is a symbol of health, prosperity and longevity. Strengthens positive qualities, promotes concentration and focus. Reveals and develops hidden talents and abilities. Adds attractiveness, making its owner pleasant in communication, eloquent in public speeches, protects from negative energy of enemies. Strengthens self-confidence.
Pearls are a symbol of femininity, tenderness and grace, prosperity and well-being, an elixir of youth. They drive away melancholy and worries, restore lost strength, preserve beauty. Strengthen feelings of love and deep friendship. They promote mutual understanding, relaxation and inner mental balance
Topaz is a symbol of wisdom, harmony and intuition. Protects from envy, negative energies. Develops character strength. Helps successfully overcome any difficulties. Relieves stress and anxiety. Strengthens your will and determination.
Aventurine is an expression of your uniqueness and style. It has long been considered a lucky talisman that gives you strength and harmony. Helps to find cheerfulness of spirit, clarity of mind, improve mood. Increases optimism, self-confidence. Aventurine is often called the "stone of love", therefore it promotes the emergence of mutual sympathies....
Agate is a symbol of health, prosperity and longevity. Strengthens positive qualities, promotes concentration and focus. Reveals and develops hidden talents and abilities. Adds attractiveness, making its owner pleasant in communication, eloquent in public speeches, protects from negative energy of enemies. Strengthens self-confidence.
Jasper – symbolizes power, inner strength and endurance, spiritual growth, wisdom and deep knowledge. Helps to establish relations with management and employees. Develops eloquence. Protects from evil fate. Provides unique attractiveness and promotes success in the opposite sex. It inspires faith in one's own abilities.
Pomegranate is a stone of love, strengthens the energy of love and improves relationships with loved ones. It drives away sadness and brings joy to the owner. Stimulates will and endurance, development of your creativity. It promotes the discovery of a sense of dignity and is considered a symbol of loyalty and devotion. To inspire new ideas and projects....
Agate is a symbol of health, prosperity and longevity. Strengthens positive qualities, promotes concentration and focus. Reveals and develops hidden talents and abilities. Adds attractiveness, making its owner pleasant in communication, eloquent in public speeches, protects from negative energy of enemies. Strengthens self-confidence. Shungite is a stone...
Sunstone (plagioclase, heliolite) is a symbol of joy, creativity, intuition. Gives energy, cheerfulness and positivity. Raises self-esteem, mood and restores the state of mind. Enhances creativity and inspiration. Helps to implement new ideas into life. Inspires for great achievements. Protects against energy vampires. Jasper - symbolizes power, inner...
Jasper – symbolizes power, inner strength and endurance, spiritual growth, wisdom and deep knowledge. Helps to establish relations with management and employees. Develops eloquence. Protects from evil fate. Provides unique attractiveness and promotes success in the opposite sex. It inspires faith in one's own abilities.
Koral jest symbolem szczęścia, nadziei i czułej miłości. Przyczynia się do relacji w parach i rozwoju szczęścia rodzinnego. Dodaje sił i odwagi w pokonywaniu trudności. Służy jako tarcza energetyczna, która chroni przed negatywnymi wpływami energii, smutkiem i żalem. Agate is a symbol of health, prosperity and longevity. Strengthens positive qualities,...
Sunstone (plagioclase, heliolite) is a symbol of joy, creativity, intuition. Gives energy, cheerfulness and positivity. Raises self-esteem, mood and restores the state of mind. Enhances creativity and inspiration. Helps to implement new ideas into life. Inspires for great achievements. Protects against energy vampires. Jasper – symbolizes power, inner...
Jasper – symbolizes power, inner strength and endurance, spiritual growth, wisdom and deep knowledge. Helps to establish relations with management and employees. Develops eloquence. Protects from evil fate. Provides unique attractiveness and promotes success in the opposite sex. It inspires faith in one's own abilities.
Agate is a symbol of health, prosperity and longevity. Strengthens positive qualities, promotes concentration and focus. Reveals and develops hidden talents and abilities. Adds attractiveness, making its owner pleasant in communication, eloquent in public speeches, protects from negative energy of enemies. Strengthens self-confidence. Hematite symbolizes...
A snake is a symbol of change, strength and growth. Supports in difficult periods of life. Helps to make the right decisions, let go of the old and go through positive changes in life. Strengthens intuition, adds wisdom. Promotes harmony. Balances energy in the body and soul. Agate is a symbol of health, prosperity and longevity. Strengthens positive...
Jasper - symbolizes power, inner strength and endurance, spiritual growth, wisdom and deep knowledge. Helps to establish relations with management and employees. Develops eloquence. Protects from evil fate. Provides unique attractiveness and promotes success in the opposite sex. It inspires faith in one's own abilities. Hematite symbolizes courage and...
Apatite is a stone of pacification, communication and harmony. Protects against negative energy and troubles. Increases motivation. Reduces irritability and nervousness. Eliminates guilt. Helps in the development of spiritual abilities and self-improvement. Emphasizes the ability to clearly express one's thoughts.
Jasper – symbolizes power, inner strength and endurance, spiritual growth, wisdom and deep knowledge. Helps to establish relations with management and employees. Develops eloquence. Protects from evil fate. Provides unique attractiveness and promotes success in the opposite sex. It inspires faith in one's own abilities.
Jade is a symbol of perfection and purity, personifies decency, bravery, loyalty and wisdom. A stone of change, harmony, protection and elegance. Attracts wealth and success. Strengthens the craving for knowledge, reveals talents. Protects from energy vampires. Maintains harmony in life.
Aventurine is an expression of your uniqueness and style. It has long been considered a lucky talisman that gives you strength and harmony. Helps to find cheerfulness of spirit, clarity of mind, improve mood. Increases optimism, self-confidence. Aventurine is often called the "stone of love", therefore it promotes the emergence of mutual sympathies....
Carnelian symbolizes strength, courage, determination and confidence. Stimulates creativity and ingenuity. Helps to find new solutions and ideas, to overcome difficulties. A talisman in love relationships, a patron of marriage and improves relations between spouses. Opens up new opportunities in business.