HEMATITE (hemorrhoid) - named after its Greek "haimatos" - blood, symbolizes courage and wisdom, helps to preserve optimism and will, normalizes blood pressure.
HEMATITE (hemorrhoid) - named after its Greek "haimatos" - blood, symbolizes courage and wisdom, helps maintain optimism and will, normalizes blood pressure.
Coralis a symbol of happiness, hope and tender love. They ensure success in the opposite sex. This mineral is associated with pure thoughts, will help prevent impending troubles, the evil eye; contribute to the acquisition of family happiness. Coral jewelry is an excellent remedy for sadness and grief.
ONYX is a symbol of luck and success, one of the strongest talismans for family and home hearth. It is believed that this stone contributes to the accumulation of vital forces, as it is able to absorb negative energy. Onyx helps to get rid of indecision and self-indulgence, it is a stone of self-confident people who know how to insist on their own....
Sodalite is considered a stone of wisdom. The stone helps to get rid of guilt and old fears, increases the power of the mind and the ability to control one's own actions, concentrate on one's feelings, and listen to intuition. The white veins cutting through the dark blue sodalite symbolize the light that gives a person the opportunity to organize his...
Verdit bestows its owner with health, external attractiveness, nobility and courage. As a talisman and amulet, Verdit takes away the dislike of other people from its owner, causes the mercy of superiors, attracts success, financial luck.
TOURMALINE -a stone that cleanses and heals. Under the influence of tourmaline, a person becomes morally focused, courageous, and more resilient. Tourmaline is a powerful healer. Works with all chakras according to color. Strengthens the body and mind, eliminates anxiety and fear.
Перли Вважається, що споглядання на перлини заспокоює психіку, приносить душевну рівновагу і душевний спокій Перли - еліксир молодості, відганяють меланхолію і турботи, відновлюють втрачені сили, зберігають красу. Це символ процвітання та благополуччя.
TOURMALINE -a stone that cleanses and heals. Under the influence of tourmaline, a person becomes morally focused, courageous, and more resilient. Tourmaline is a powerful healer. Works with all chakras according to color. Strengthens the body and mind, eliminates anxiety and fear.
Agateis a symbol of health, prosperity and longevity. Agate jewelry makes its owner pleasant in communication, eloquent in public speeches, and protects against the tricks of enemies. This mineral is used as a talisman "against damage", helps to improve well-being.
Agate - a symbol of health, prosperity and longevity. Agate jewelry makes its owner pleasant in communication, eloquent in public speeches, and protects against the tricks of enemies. This mineral is used as a talisman "against damage", helps to improve well-being. Corals - a symbol of happiness, hope and tender love. They ensure success in the opposite...
HEMATITE (hemorrhoid) - named after its Greek "haimatos" - blood, symbolizes courage and wisdom, helps maintain optimism and will, normalizes blood pressure.
HEMATITE (hemorrhoid) - named after its Greek "haimatos" - blood, symbolizes courage and wisdom, helps maintain optimism and will, normalizes blood pressure.
HEMATITE (hemorrhoid) - named after its Greek "haimatos" - blood, symbolizes courage and wisdom, helps maintain optimism and will, normalizes blood pressure.
HEMATITE (hemorrhoid) - named after its Greek "haimatos" - blood, symbolizes courage and wisdom, helps maintain optimism and will, normalizes blood pressure.
Coralis a symbol of happiness, hope and tender love. They ensure success in the opposite sex. This mineral is associated with pure thoughts, will help prevent impending troubles, the evil eye; contribute to the acquisition of family happiness. Coral jewelry is an excellent remedy for sadness and grief.
Agate is a symbol of health, prosperity and longevity. Agate jewelry makes its owner pleasant in communication, eloquent in public speeches, and protects against the tricks of enemies. This mineral is used as a talisman "against damage", helps to improve well-being. CORAL - a symbol of happiness, hope and tender love. They ensure success in the opposite...
Агат - символ здоров'я, процвітання та довголіття. Прикраси з агату роблять його власника приємним у спілкуванні, красномовним у публічних виступах, оберігають від підступів ворогів. Цей мінерал використовується в якості оберегу «від порчі», сприяє поліпшенню добробуту.
CORAL is a symbol of happiness, hope and tender love. They ensure success in the opposite sex. This mineral is associated with pure thoughts, will help prevent impending troubles, the evil eye; contribute to the acquisition of family happiness. Coral jewelry is an excellent remedy for sadness and grief. MALACHITE is a symbol of wish fulfillment. Since...
CORAL is a symbol of happiness, hope and tender love. They ensure success in the opposite sex. This mineral is associated with pure thoughts, will help prevent impending troubles, the evil eye; contribute to the acquisition of family happiness. Coral jewelry is an excellent remedy for sadness and grief. MALACHITE is a symbol of wish fulfillment. Since...
АГАТ - символ здоров'я, процвітання та довголіття. Прикраси з агату роблять його власника приємним у спілкуванні, красномовним у публічних виступах, оберігають від підступів ворогів. Цей мінерал використовується в якості оберегу «від порчі», сприяє поліпшенню добробуту. ГЕМАТИТ(кровавик) - названий від його грецького «haimatos» - кров, символізує...
The carnation has long served as a symbol of faithful love. According to ancient belief, it protects against human unkindness, treachery of enemies and the evil eye. This mineral is a wonderful talisman, creates a large healing field around itself, increases immunity, strengthens the body. It is also used as a talisman in long journeys and trade affairs....