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  • Exclusive bracelet "Pink bow" Mallorca

    PearlsIt is believed that looking at pearls calms the psyche, brings mental balance and peace of mind. Pearls are the elixir of youth, drive away melancholy and worries, restore lost strength, and preserve beauty. It is a symbol of prosperity and well-being.

    269 грн

    In Stock
  • Exclusive arachne Sodalite

    Sodalite is considered a stone of wisdom. The stone helps to get rid of guilt and old fears, increases the power of the mind and the ability to control one's own actions, concentrate on one's feelings, and listen to intuition. The white veins cutting through the dark blue sodalite symbolize the light that gives a person the opportunity to organize his...

    289 грн

    In Stock
  • Exclusive pendant "Stylish" Rhodonite

    Rhodonitecan help a despairing person by awakening the will to live, directing him to the right path of light and goodness. Pale pink rhodonite promotes the development of hidden possibilities, the emergence of love for art, the emergence of a craving for the beautiful and refined.

    299 грн

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  • Exclusive earrings "Stylish" Rhodonite

    Rhodonitecan help a despairing person by awakening the will to live, directing him to the right path of light and goodness. Pale pink rhodonite promotes the development of hidden possibilities, the emergence of love for art, the emergence of a craving for the beautiful and refined.

    339 грн

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  • Exclusive pendant "Rosarina" Sponge coral

    Coralis a symbol of happiness, hope and tender love. They ensure success in the opposite sex. This mineral is associated with pure thoughts, will help prevent impending troubles, the evil eye; contribute to the acquisition of family happiness. Coral jewelry is an excellent remedy for sadness and grief.

    399 грн

    In Stock
  • Exclusive pendant "Stylish" Rock crystal

    Rock crystalmeans ice in Greek. Ancient scientists believed that rock crystal is eternally frozen and unmelted ice. Rock crystal concentrates attention, sharpens mental processes, makes speech persuasive, calms the nervous system.

    299 грн

    In Stock
  • Exclusive necklace "Rosarina" Sponge coral

    Corals - a symbol of happiness, hope and tender love. They ensure success in the opposite sex. This mineral is associated with pure thoughts. Corals will help prevent impending troubles, the evil eye; contribute to the acquisition of family happiness. Coral jewelry is an excellent remedy for sadness and grief.

    999 грн

    In Stock
  • Exclusive earrings "Rosarina" Sponge coral

    Coralis a symbol of happiness, hope and tender love. They ensure success in the opposite sex. This mineral is associated with pure thoughts, will help prevent impending troubles, the evil eye; contribute to the acquisition of family happiness. Coral jewelry is an excellent remedy for sadness and grief.

    349 грн

    In Stock
  • Exclusive bracelet "Ethnic style" Quartz, Agate

    Rose quartzis a stone of love and joy; symbolizes health, youth, enhances female attractiveness. This mineral attracts success to its owner, develops a positive outlook on life, improves mood, and increases self-esteem.

    399 грн

    In Stock
  • Exclusive necklace "Ethnic style" Quartz, Agate

    Рожевий кварц - камінь любові і радості; символізує здоров'я, молодість, підсилює жіночу привабливість. Цей мінерал притягує до власника успіх, розвиває позитивний погляд на життя, покращує настрій, підвищує самооцінку.

    799 грн

    In Stock
  • Exclusive earrings "Stylish" Morganite facet

    Morganite is not only a beautiful stone, it also has healing properties. It is recommended to be worn by people with severe physical and mental exhaustion, diseases of the nervous system and psyche. The energy of morganite is so great that it easily helps a person who wears it constantly to get out of stress and calm the nervous system. Even the very...

    439 грн

    In Stock
  • Exclusive pendant "Stylish" Morganite facet

    Morganite is not only a beautiful stone, it also has healing properties. It is recommended to be worn by people with severe physical and mental exhaustion, diseases of the nervous system and psyche. The energy of morganite is so great that it easily helps a person who wears it constantly to get out of stress and calm the nervous system. Even the very...

    439 грн

    In Stock
  • Ексклюзивна вервичка Аметист

    Amethyst - a symbol of sincerity and sincerity, helps to achieve inner peace, extinguishes mental pain and anxiety, helps to control emotions. Amethyst jewelry is placed under the pillow to have good dreams.

    889 грн

    In Stock
  • Exclusive necklace "Shadows of Unforgotten Ancestors" Coral

    Corals - a symbol of happiness, hope and tender love. They ensure success in the opposite sex. This mineral is associated with pure thoughts. Corals will help prevent impending troubles, the evil eye; contribute to the acquisition of family happiness. Coral jewelry is an excellent remedy for sadness and grief.

    1 529 грн

    In Stock
  • Exclusive pendant "Stylish" Rock crystal

    Rock crystalmeans ice in Greek. Ancient scientists believed that rock crystal is eternally frozen and unmelted ice. Rock crystal concentrates attention, sharpens mental processes, makes speech persuasive, calms the nervous system.

    299 грн

    In Stock
  • Exclusive Mallorca earrings

    PearlsIt is believed that looking at pearls calms the psyche, brings mental balance and peace of mind. Pearls are the elixir of youth, drive away melancholy and worries, restore lost strength, and preserve beauty. It is a symbol of prosperity and well-being.

    289 грн

    In Stock
  • Exclusive bracelet "Pink bow" Mallorca

    PearlsIt is believed that looking at pearls calms the psyche, brings mental balance and peace of mind. Pearls are the elixir of youth, drive away melancholy and worries, restore lost strength, and preserve beauty. It is a symbol of prosperity and well-being.

    259 грн

    In Stock
  • Geode Rock crystal with inclusions of Pyrite

    Rock crystal means ice in Greek. Ancient scientists believed that rock crystal is eternally frozen and unmelted ice. Rock crystal concentrates attention, sharpens mental processes, makes speech persuasive, calms the nervous system.

    2 879 грн

    In Stock
  • Geode Citrine crystal

    Citrine, thanks to crystalline form and yellow, it is considered stone absorbed sunny energy And that's why owner a lemon able to calculate on energy support with its side at decline vital strength, apathy, depression. Citrine raises self-esteem, he adds confidence in himself, organizes thoughts, encourages to creativity He able to attract good luck in...

    2 349 грн

    In Stock
  • Geode Agate cut gray

    Agateis a symbol of health, prosperity and longevity. Agate jewelry makes its owner pleasant in communication, eloquent in public speeches, and protects against the tricks of enemies. This mineral is used as a talisman "against damage", helps to improve well-being.

    2 459 грн

    In Stock
  • Leather wallet "Yin Yang" black with a lock
  • Leather wallet "Yin Yang" red with a lock
  • Exclusive Kyanite earrings, Pearls

    PearlsIt is believed that looking at pearls calms the psyche, brings mental balance and peace of mind. Pearls are the elixir of youth, drive away melancholy and worries, restore lost strength, and preserve beauty. It is a symbol of prosperity and well-being.

    399 грн

    In Stock
  • Exclusive chrysoprase bracelet

    Chrysopraseis a stone of inventors and innovators. It is auspicious for any new venture and finding new friends. This stone will bring luck to people who want to renew their lives. They believe that chrysoprase helps the owner develop eloquence and attract money. Jewelry with this mineral was worn as talismans against negative energy.

    279 грн

    In Stock