Amethyst - a symbol of sincerity and sincerity, helps to achieve inner peace, extinguishes mental pain and anxiety, helps to control emotions. Amethyst jewelry is placed under the pillow to see good dreams.
Chrysopraseis a stone of inventors and innovators. It is auspicious for any new venture and finding new friends. This stone will bring luck to people who want to renew their lives. They believe that chrysoprase helps the owner develop eloquence and attract money. Jewelry with this mineral was worn as talismans against negative energy.
Amethyst - a symbol of sincerity and sincerity, helps to achieve inner peace, extinguishes mental pain and anxiety, helps to control emotions. Amethyst jewelry is placed under the pillow to have good dreams.
Rhodonitecan help a despairing person by awakening the will to live, directing him to the right path of light and goodness. Pale pink rhodonite promotes the development of hidden possibilities, the emergence of love for art, the emergence of a craving for the beautiful and refined.
Jasperis one of the oldest minerals with unique properties. It is believed that jewelrythis stone helps to establish relations with management and employees, develops eloquence, protects against evil fate. This gem gives its owner unique attractiveness and promotes success in the opposite sex.
Obsidianis the stone of optimists. He does not allow to "rest on his laurels", helps his owner in achieving the set goals and conquering the desired peaks. It is used as a talisman against accidents. People who wear amulets made of this stone are not afraid of any changes, external or internal.
LABRADOR awakens hidden talents in a person and helps to develop them, gives vivid dreams and forces its owner to try to "embrace the immeasurable". The stone is recommended to be worn by mature people who are already 30 years old. Labrador is considered an amulet of creative people, it brings them inspiration, the ability to "catch a wave", and at the...
Obsidianis the stone of optimists. He does not allow to "rest on his laurels", helps his owner in achieving the set goals and conquering the desired peaks. It is used as a talisman against accidents. People who wear amulets made of this stone are not afraid of any changes, external or internal.
SnakeThis stone has been attributed unique properties since ancient times. It protects its owner from the evil eye, envy, slander. Strengthens a person's intuition, directs them to the right actions, ensures success. According to ancient beliefs, it is considered a talisman of the hearth. Products made of coils protect against bad wishes and negative energy.
SnakeThis stone has been attributed unique properties since ancient times. It protects its owner from the evil eye, envy, slander. Strengthens a person's intuition, directs them to the right actions, ensures success. According to ancient beliefs, it is considered a talisman of the hearth. Products made of coils protect against bad wishes and negative energy.
Jadeis a symbol of perfection and purity, personifies decency, bravery, loyalty and wisdom, strengthens health. It is advised to wear it to people who are trying to change their life, to enter a new period of it. Jade is a stone of change, helps to get out of life's troubles.
АГАТ – символ здоровья, процветания и долголетия. Украшения из агата делают его владельца приятным в общении, красноречивым в публичных выступлениях, оберегают от происков врагов. Этот минерал используется в качестве оберега «от порчи», способствует улучшению благосостояния.
Smoky topaz This stone has been considered a powerful amulet since ancient times. It protects its owner from envy, negative wishes, the evil eye; develops firmness of character, helps to successfully overcome any difficulties. Smoky topaz helps in matters that require perseverance and perseverance
TOURMALINE - a stone that cleanses and heals. Under the influence of tourmaline, a person becomes morally focused, courageous, and more resilient. Tourmaline is a powerful healer. Works with all chakras according to color. Strengthens the body and mind, eliminates anxiety and fear.
Rhodonite can help a despairing person by awakening the will to live, directing him to the right path of light and goodness. Pale pink rhodonite promotes the development of hidden possibilities, the emergence of love for art, the emergence of a craving for the beautiful and refined.
The mineral is a strong talisman for babies. Angelite protects the child from bad dreams, the evil eye and negative influence from the outside. In addition, he brings up kindness, principledness and compassion in children. The gem contributes to the spiritual formation of a young personality.
The mineral is a strong talisman for babies. Angelite protects the child from bad dreams, the evil eye and negative influence from the outside. In addition, he brings up kindness, principledness and compassion in children. The gem contributes to the spiritual formation of a young personality.
The mineral is a strong talisman for babies. Angelite protects the child from bad dreams, the evil eye and negative influence from the outside. In addition, he brings up kindness, principledness and compassion in children. The gem contributes to the spiritual formation of a young personality.
As a talisman shungite can be used in the form of balls, pyramids or cubes. It is a stone of young energetic people. A talisman in the form of a ball brings its owner success in love affairs. A talisman in the form of a pyramid is used to protect the home from dark forces and negative energy. A talisman in the form of a cube is used to attract good luck...
It is believed that the mineral can help a person to show the best sides of character - kindness, honesty of intentions and thoughts, love for others. For this reason, it is recommended to give it to children so that they grow up to be good and decent people.
Rhodonitecan help a despairing person by awakening the will to live, directing him to the right path of light and goodness. Pale pink rhodonite promotes the development of hidden possibilities, the emergence of love for art, the emergence of a craving for the beautiful and refined.
Rhodonitecan help a despairing person by awakening the will to live, directing him to the right path of light and goodness. Pale pink rhodonite promotes the development of hidden possibilities, the emergence of love for art, the emergence of a craving for the beautiful and refined.
TOURMALINE -a stone that cleanses and heals. Under the influence of tourmaline, a person becomes morally focused, courageous, and more resilient. Tourmaline is a powerful healer. Works with all chakras according to color. Strengthens the body and mind, eliminates anxiety and fear.
TOURMALINE -a stone that cleanses and heals. Under the influence of tourmaline, a person becomes morally focused, courageous, and more resilient. Tourmaline is a powerful healer. Works with all chakras according to color. Strengthens the body and mind, eliminates anxiety and fear.