Amethyst - a symbol of sincerity and sincerity, helps to achieve inner peace, extinguishes mental pain and anxiety, helps to control emotions. Amethyst jewelry is placed under the pillow to see good dreams.
Rutile quartz enhances beauty attractiveness, sexual energy. He wakes up fantasy and inspiration in creative people, helps in personal matters, with him always accompanied wealth and success. Protects from magic It is believed that rings and pendants with rutile quartz slow down process aging. Rutile quartz drives away longing sadness of loneliness...
Rutile quartz enhances beauty attractiveness, sexual energy. He wakes up fantasy and inspiration in creative people, helps in personal matters, with him always accompanied wealth and success. Protects from magic It is believed that rings and pendants with rutile quartz slow down process aging. Rutile quartz drives away longing sadness of loneliness...
Protect the tiger's eyefrom the evil eye, slander, "damage". It is the best talisman for business people. It protects against bankruptcy, financial losses, strengthens common sense, helps to focus attention on the most important issues.
He protected the tiger's eyefrom the evil eye, slander, "damage". It is the best talisman for business people. It protects against bankruptcy, financial losses, strengthens common sense, helps to focus attention on the most important issues.
Бірюза - один з найпопулярніших мінералів. Уже багато століть цей самоцвіт використовують для виготовлення прикрас котрі захищають його власника від пристріту, підсилюють його енергію та інтуїцію, зміцнюють силу духу бірюза зміцнює мир в сім'ї, сприяє взаєморозумінню подружжя, притягує успіхи у фінансових справах. Вона вважається самоцвітом, що підживлює...
Перли Вважається, що споглядання на перлини заспокоює психіку, приносить душевну рівновагу і душевний спокій Перли - еліксир молодості, відганяють меланхолію і турботи, відновлюють втрачені сили, зберігають красу. Це символ процвітання та благополуччя.
Перли Вважається, що споглядання на перлини заспокоює психіку, приносить душевну рівновагу і душевний спокій Перли - еліксир молодості, відганяють меланхолію і турботи, відновлюють втрачені сили, зберігають красу. Це символ процвітання та благополуччя.
PearlsIt is believed that looking at pearls calms the psyche, brings mental balance and peace of mind. Pearls are the elixir of youth, drive away melancholy and worries, restore lost strength, and preserve beauty. It is a symbol of prosperity and well-being.
Перли Вважається, що споглядання на перлини заспокоює психіку, приносить душевну рівновагу і душевний спокій Перли - еліксир молодості, відганяють меланхолію і турботи, відновлюють втрачені сили, зберігають красу. Це символ процвітання та благополуччя.
PearlsIt is believed that looking at pearls calms the psyche, brings mental balance and peace of mind. Pearls are the elixir of youth, drive away melancholy and worries, restore lost strength, and preserve beauty. It is a symbol of prosperity and well-being.
PearlsIt is believed that looking at pearls calms the psyche, brings mental balance and peace of mind. Pearls are the elixir of youth, drive away melancholy and worries, restore lost strength, and preserve beauty. It is a symbol of prosperity and well-being.
Авантюрин здавна вважається щасливим талісманом. Цей камінь здатен допомогти людині знайти бадьорість духу, ясність розуму, поліпшити настрій. Він збільшує у свого власника оптимізм, впевненість у власних силах. Часто авантюрин називають «каменем любові». Вважається, що цей камінь сприяє виникненню взаємних симпатій, загострює почуття та емоції.
Aventurinehas long been considered a lucky talisman. This stone is able to help a person find cheerfulness of spirit, clarity of mind, improve mood. It increases its owner's optimism and self-confidence. Aventurine is often called the "stone of love." It is believed that this stone promotes the emergence of mutual sympathies, sharpens feelings and...
Аквамарин - камінь дружби і справедливості, оберігає свого власника від небезпек і обману, додасть розсудливості. Цей самоцвіт допомагає знімати стрес, нервове напруження, знайти душевну рівновагу.
Moonstoneis a stone of unity of lovers, softens and brings closer relationships, gives well-being and longevity. This mineral perceives and attracts true love and is worn to bring feelings intoone's life.
fluorite is a fighter against stress and depression. It is believed that fluorite helps to organize thoughts and achieve a state of heartfelt peace. It contributes to the opening of the "third eye". It is said that fluorite can help fight multiple sclerosis and epilepsy.
Caholong has long been considered a talisman of love, attracts the hearts of men to a woman. It also relieves outbursts of dangerous anger and bouts of melancholy. Caholong strengthens well-being, increases accumulation, and also strengthens health and promotes quick recovery in case of illness. It is the best stone for harmonizing and strengthening a...
PearlsIt is believed that looking at pearls calms the psyche, brings mental balance and peace of mind. Pearls are the elixir of youth, drive away melancholy and worries, restore lost strength, and preserve beauty. It is a symbol of prosperity and well-being.
PearlsIt is believed that looking at pearls calms the psyche, brings mental balance and peace of mind. Pearls are the elixir of youth, drive away melancholy and worries, restore lost strength, and preserve beauty. It is a symbol of prosperity and well-being.
LABRADOR awakens hidden talents in a person and helps to develop them, gives vivid dreams and forces its owner to try to "embrace the immeasurable". The stone is recommended to be worn by mature people who are already 30 years old. Labrador is considered an amulet of creative people, it brings them inspiration, the ability to "catch a wave", and at the...
LABRADOR awakens hidden talents in a person and helps to develop them, gives vivid dreams and forces its owner to try to "embrace the immeasurable". The stone is recommended to be worn by mature people who are already 30 years old. Labrador is considered an amulet of creative people, it brings them inspiration, the ability to "catch a wave", and at the...
TOURMALINE -a stone that cleanses and heals. Under the influence of tourmaline, a person becomes morally focused, courageous, and more resilient. Tourmaline is a powerful healer. Works with all chakras according to color. Strengthens the body and mind, eliminates anxiety and fear.
TOURMALINE -a stone that cleanses and heals. Under the influence of tourmaline, a person becomes morally focused, courageous, and more resilient. Tourmaline is a powerful healer. Works with all chakras according to color. Strengthens the body and mind, eliminates anxiety and fear.