-10% до 1999 грн
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          Знижка відображається в кошику!


  • Ексклюзивне намисто " Пріма донна " Перли

    Перли Вважається, що споглядання на перлини заспокоює психіку, приносить душевну рівновагу і душевний спокій Перли - еліксир молодості, відганяють меланхолію і турботи, відновлюють втрачені сили, зберігають красу. Це символ процвітання та благополуччя.

    1 499 грн

    In Stock
  • Exclusive Kyanite earrings, Pearls

    PearlsIt is believed that looking at pearls calms the psyche, brings mental balance and peace of mind. Pearls are the elixir of youth, drive away melancholy and worries, restore lost strength, and preserve beauty. It is a symbol of prosperity and well-being.

    399 грн

    In Stock
  • Exclusive Jade bracelet

    Jadeis a symbol of perfection and purity, personifies decency, bravery, loyalty and wisdom, strengthens health. It is advised to wear it to people who are trying to change their life, to enter a new period of it. Jade is a stone of change, helps to get out of life's troubles.

    289 грн

    In Stock
  • Exclusive Shungite bracelet

    As a talisman shungite can be used in the form of balls, pyramids or cubes. It is a stone of young energetic people. A talisman in the form of a bullet brings its owner success in love affairs. A talisman in the form of a pyramid is used to protect the home from dark forces and negative energy. A talisman in the form of a cube is used to attract good luck...

    319 грн

    In Stock
  • Gothic Treasure 2 Exclusive Necklace

    Гематит (кровавик) - названий від його грецького «haimatos» - кров, символізує хоробрість і мудрість, сприяє збереженню оптимізму і волі, нормалізує артеріальний тиск.

    1 399 грн

    In Stock
  • Morganite bracelet

    Morganite is not only a beautiful stone, it also has healing properties. It is recommended to be worn by people with severe physical and mental exhaustion, diseases of the nervous system and psyche. The energy of morganite is so great that it easily helps a person who wears it constantly to get out of stress and calm the nervous system. Even the very...

    939 грн

    In Stock
  • Morganite bracelet

    Morganite is not only a beautiful stone, it also has healing properties. It is recommended to be worn by people with severe physical and mental exhaustion, diseases of the nervous system and psyche. The energy of morganite is so great that it easily helps a person who wears it constantly to get out of stress and calm the nervous system. Even the very...

    939 грн

    In Stock
  • Morganite bracelet

    Morganite is not only a beautiful stone, it also has healing properties. It is recommended to be worn by people with severe physical and mental exhaustion, diseases of the nervous system and psyche. The energy of morganite is so great that it easily helps a person who wears it constantly to get out of stress and calm the nervous system. Even the very...

    669 грн

    In Stock
  • Coral tube red necklace

    Coralis a symbol of happiness, hope and tender love. They ensure success in the opposite sex. This mineral is associated with pure thoughts, will help prevent impending troubles, the evil eye; contribute to the acquisition of family happiness. Coral jewelry is an excellent remedy for sadness and grief.

    519 грн

    In Stock
  • Turquoise faceted necklace

    Turquoiseis one of the most popular minerals. For many centuries, this gem has been used to make jewelry that protects its owner from the evil eye, strengthens his energy and intuition, strengthens the spirit, turquoise strengthens peace in the family, promotes mutual understanding between spouses, and promotes success infinancial affairs. It is...

    1 539 грн

    In Stock
  • Necklace Pearls white rice 7mm 36cm

    PearlsIt is believed that looking at pearls calms the psyche, brings mental balance and peace of mind. Pearls are the elixir of youth, drive away melancholy and worries, restore lost strength, and preserve beauty. It is a symbol of prosperity and well-being.

    2 199 грн

    In Stock
  • Necklace White pearls 8mm 47cm

    PearlsIt is believed that looking at pearls calms the psyche, brings mental balance and peace of mind. Pearls are the elixir of youth, drive away melancholy and worries, restore lost strength, and preserve beauty. It is a symbol of prosperity and well-being.

    2 999 грн

    In Stock
  • Necklace Pearls are rectangular

    PearlsIt is believed that looking at pearls calms the psyche, brings mental balance and peace of mind. Pearls are the elixir of youth, drive away melancholy and worries, restore lost strength, and preserve beauty. It is a symbol of prosperity and well-being.

    3 099 грн

    In Stock
  • Exclusive earrings "Pink Agate"
    359 грн

    In Stock
  • Exclusive bracelet "Pink Agate"
    379 грн

    In Stock
  • Exclusive necklace "Black dress" with Lazurite and Agate

    Lapis lazuli - increases creative activity, promotes luck and success, gives joy and happiness. Agate is a symbol of health, prosperity and longevity. Agate jewelry makes its owner pleasant in communication, eloquent in public speeches, and protects against the tricks of enemies.

    1 179 грн

    In Stock
  • Exclusive earrings "Marengo" Turquoise, Shungite

    TURQUOISE is one of the most popular minerals. For many centuries, this gem has been used to make jewelry that protects its owner from the evil eye, strengthens his energy and intuition, strengthens the spirit, turquoise strengthens peace in the family, promotes mutual understanding between spouses, and promotes success in financial affairs. It is...

    309 грн

    In Stock
  • Exclusive necklace "Marengo" Turquoise, Shungite
  • Exclusive necklace "Alice" Morganite facet

    Morganite is not only a beautiful stone, it also has healing properties. It is recommended to be worn by people with severe physical and mental exhaustion, diseases of the nervous system and psyche. The energy of morganite is so great that it easily helps a person who wears it constantly to get out of stress and calm the nervous system. Even the very...

    639 грн

    In Stock
  • Exclusive necklace "Hematite luxury" Hematite, Shungite

    Як талісман шунгіт може використовуватися у вигляді куль, пірамідок або кубиків. Це камінь молодих енергійних людей. Талісман у вигляді кулі приносить своєму господареві успіхи в любовних справах. Талісман у вигляді пірамідки використовується для захисту житла від темних сил і негативної енергії. Талісман у вигляді кубика використовується для залучення...

    499 грн

    In Stock
  • Exclusive pearl necklace 7-8mm 120cm

    Перли Вважається, що споглядання на перлини заспокоює психіку, приносить душевну рівновагу і душевний спокій Перли - еліксир молодості, відганяють меланхолію і турботи, відновлюють втрачені сили, зберігають красу. Це символ процвітання та благополуччя.

    5 899 грн

    In Stock
  • Pearl necklace "Bride"

    Pearls are a symbol of femininity, tenderness and grace, prosperity and well-being, an elixir of youth. They drive away melancholy and worries, restore lost strength, preserve beauty. Strengthen feelings of love and deep friendship. They promote mutual understanding, relaxation and inner mental balance.

    4 929 грн

    In Stock
  • Exclusive Adular necklace

    Адуляр - місячний камінь. Щоб лікувальні властивості адуляру виявилися повною мірою, необхідний безпосередній контакт каменю і людини. Неважливо, як ви будете носити прикрасу з адуляр - як натільний амулет, перстень або сережки - головне забезпечити якщо не постійна взаємодія шкіри і самоцвіту, то часті торкання. Носіння адуляру заспокоює людину, знімає...

    2 199 грн

    In Stock
  • Exclusive Morganite faceted earrings

    Morganite is not only a beautiful stone, it also has healing properties. It is recommended to be worn by people with severe physical and mental exhaustion, diseases of the nervous system and psyche. The energy of morganite is so great that it easily helps a person who wears it constantly to get out of stress and calm the nervous system. Even the very...

    359 грн

    In Stock