-10% до 1999 грн
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  • Exclusive necklace "Ilma" Mother of pearl, rice, 5 rows

    Mother of pearl is a symbol of female energy and wisdom. A source of health, mysterious strength and beauty. Develops intuition, oratorical abilities. Keeps peace and tranquility in the family. Eliminates conflicts in the team. Protects the house from evil spirits. Helps in trade and during travels.

    1 599 грн

    In Stock
  • Exclusive bracelet "Ella" Mother-of-pearl, drop, square, 2-row

    Mother of pearl is a symbol of female energy and wisdom. A source of health, mysterious strength and beauty. Develops intuition, oratorical abilities. Keeps peace and tranquility in the family. Eliminates conflicts in the team. Protects the house from evil spirits. Helps in trade and during travels.

    519 грн

    In Stock
  • Exclusive necklace "Ella" Mother-of-pearl, drop, square, chevron, 9-row

    Mother of pearl is a symbol of female energy and wisdom. A source of health, mysterious strength and beauty. Develops intuition, oratorical abilities. Keeps peace and tranquility in the family. Eliminates conflicts in the team. Protects the house from evil spirits. Helps in trade and during travels.

    3 999 грн

    In Stock
  • Exclusive bracelet "Florida" Pearls, Tiger's eye

    The tiger's eye symbolizes strength, courage, endurance, faith in oneself and one's abilities. A talisman for businessmen. Protects against bankruptcy, financial losses. Helps to focus attention on the most important issues. Opens new opportunities. Contribute to positive changes in life. Pearls are a symbol of femininity, tenderness and grace,...

    699 грн

    In Stock
  • Exclusive necklace "Florida" Pearls, Tiger's eye

    The tiger's eye symbolizes strength, courage, endurance, faith in oneself and one's abilities. A talisman for businessmen. Protects against bankruptcy, financial losses. Helps to focus attention on the most important issues. Opens new opportunities. Contribute to positive changes in life. Pearls are a symbol of femininity, tenderness and grace, prosperity...

    1 499 грн

    In Stock
  • Exclusive necklace "Currant" Quartz facet, Rose quartz facet

    Quartz is a stone of strengthening energy and self-discipline. Increases your vitality and sense of stamina. Improves meditation. Protects against negative energy. Helps to focus on your goals. Enhances beauty, attractiveness, sexual energy. Rose quartz is a stone of love and joy; symbolizes health, youth, enhances female attractiveness. This mineral...

    989 грн

    In Stock
  • Exclusive necklace "Porichka" Mother-of-pearl rondel, Quartz facet

    Mother of pearl is a symbol of female energy and wisdom. A source of health, mysterious strength and beauty. Develops intuition, oratorical abilities. Keeps peace and tranquility in the family. Eliminates conflicts in the team. Protects the house from evil spirits. Helps in trade and during travels. Quartz is a stone of strengthening energy and...

    919 грн

    In Stock
  • Exclusive necklace "Currant" Quartz facet, Mother-of-pearl rondel, blue beads

    Quartz is a stone of strengthening energy and self-discipline. Increases your vitality and sense of stamina. Improves meditation. Protects against negative energy. Helps to focus on your goals. Enhances beauty, attractiveness, sexual energy. Mother of pearl is a symbol of female energy and wisdom. A source of health, mysterious strength and beauty....

    779 грн

    In Stock
  • Exclusive bracelet "Snowy rowan" Coral tablet, rice, Mother of pearl rice, 2-row

    Coral is a symbol of happiness, hope and tender love. Contributes to couple relations and the development of family happiness. Gives strength and courage to overcome difficulties. It serves as an energy shield that protects you from negative energy influences, sadness and grief. Mother of pearl is a symbol of female energy and wisdom. A source of health,...

    559 грн

    In Stock
  • Exclusive earrings "Snowy rowan" Coral tablet, Mother of pearl fig

    Coral is a symbol of happiness, hope and tender love. Contributes to couple relations and the development of family happiness. Gives strength and courage to overcome difficulties. It serves as an energy shield that protects you from negative energy influences, sadness and grief. Mother of pearl is a symbol of female energy and wisdom. A source of health,...

    379 грн

    In Stock
  • Exclusive necklace "Snowy rowan" Coral tablet, rice, Mother of pearl rice, 3-row

    Coral is a symbol of happiness, hope and tender love. Contributes to couple relations and the development of family happiness. Gives strength and courage to overcome difficulties. It serves as an energy shield that protects you from negative energy influences, sadness and grief. Mother of pearl is a symbol of female energy and wisdom. A source of health,...

    1 599 грн

    In Stock
  • Silver jasper pendant

    Розмір підвіски -  40*25 мм.

    1 499 грн

    In Stock
  • Agate earrings, silver
    1 859 грн

    In Stock
  • Plate Jade silver

    Розмір підвіски  - 38*52 мм.

    1 499 грн

    In Stock
  • Amethyst silver ring
    1 519 грн

    In Stock
  • Tiger's eye pendant, silver

    Тигрове око оберіг від пристріту, наклепу, «порчі». Є найкращим талісманом для ділових людей. Він оберігає від банкрутства, фінансових втрат, зміцнює здоровий глузд, допомагає концентрувати увагу на найважливіших питаннях.

    1 499 грн

    In Stock
  • Ring Tiger's eye, silver

    Тигрове око оберіг від пристріту, наклепу, «порчі». Є найкращим талісманом для ділових людей. Він оберігає від банкрутства, фінансових втрат, зміцнює здоровий глузд, допомагає концентрувати увагу на найважливіших питаннях.

    1 539 грн

    In Stock
  • Carnelian ring, silver

    Розмір каблучки - 18    Розмір каблучки завжди уточняйте! Розмір каменю - 15 мм. 

    1 599 грн

    In Stock
  • Pink agate pendant, silver

    Довжина підвіски - 5 см. 

    1 499 грн

    In Stock
  • Exclusive "Jessica" mother-of-pearl rondel earrings

    Довжина сережок - 8 см.  Срібна застібка

    359 грн

    In Stock
  • Exclusive bracelet "Jessica" Mother-of-pearl rondel, galovka

    Розмір браслета - 16 Розмір каменю - 8  мм.

    379 грн

    In Stock
  • Exclusive necklace "Oversize" Agate link, Mother of pearl
  • Exclusive bracelet "Sea coast" Lava barrel, Amazonite

    Розмір браслета - 17 

    489 грн

    In Stock
  • Exclusive earrings "Seaside" Lava barrel, Amazonite

    Довжина сережок - 3 см. 

    379 грн

    In Stock