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  • Necklace "Magic of the Forest" Jasper

    Cat's eye drives away negative energy, negative thoughts and evil intentions. Helps to reveal potential, talents, make wise decisions. Supports energetic development and self-improvement. Preserves love and protects against betrayal. Attracts attention to its owner.

    869 грн

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  • Necklace "Magic of the Forest" Jasper

    Agate is a symbol of health, prosperity and longevity. Strengthens positive qualities, promotes concentration and focus. Reveals and develops hidden talents and abilities. Adds attractiveness, making its owner pleasant in communication, eloquent in public speeches, protects from negative energy of enemies. Strengthens self-confidence. Hematite symbolizes...

    1 789 грн

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  • Earrings "Magic of the forest" Jasper

    AQUAMARINE is a stone of friendship and justice, protects its owner from dangers and deception, will add prudence. This gem helps relieve stress, nervous tension, and find mental balance. Increases the level of romance and harmony in a couple. Protects from troubles. Helps you feel inner peace and emotional balance in today's world.

    349 грн

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  • Earrings "Magic of the forest" Jasper

    Coral is a symbol of happiness, hope and tender love. It promotes relationships in a couple and the development of family happiness. It gives strength and courage to overcome difficulties. It serves as an energy shield that protects you from negative energy influences, sadness and grief. Jade is a symbol of perfection and purity, personifies decency,...

    1 139 грн

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  • Earrings "Magic of the forest" Jasper

    Agat jest symbolem zdrowia, dobrobytu i długowieczności. Wzmacnia pozytywne cechy, sprzyja koncentracji i skupieniu. Odkrywa i rozwija ukryte talenty i zdolności. Dodaje atrakcyjności, czyniąc właściciela miłym w komunikacji, wymownym w wystąpieniach publicznych, chroni przed negatywną energią wrogów. Wzmacnia pewność siebie. Quartz is a stone of...

    1 139 грн

    In Stock
  • Earrings "Magic of the forest" Jasper

    Agat jest symbolem zdrowia, dobrobytu i długowieczności. Wzmacnia pozytywne cechy, sprzyja koncentracji i skupieniu. Odkrywa i rozwija ukryte talenty i zdolności. Dodaje atrakcyjności, czyniąc właściciela miłym w komunikacji, wymownym w wystąpieniach publicznych, chroni przed negatywną energią wrogów. Wzmacnia pewność siebie.

    1 459 грн

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  • Earrings "Magic of the forest" Jasper

    Agat jest symbolem zdrowia, dobrobytu i długowieczności. Wzmacnia pozytywne cechy, sprzyja koncentracji i skupieniu. Odkrywa i rozwija ukryte talenty i zdolności. Dodaje atrakcyjności, czyniąc właściciela miłym w komunikacji, wymownym w wystąpieniach publicznych, chroni przed negatywną energią wrogów. Wzmacnia pewność siebie. Tiger's eye symbolizes...

    999 грн

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  • Necklace "Magic of the Forest" Jasper

    Pearls are a symbol of femininity, tenderness and grace, prosperity and well-being, an elixir of youth. They drive away melancholy and worries, restore lost strength, preserve beauty. Strengthen feelings of love and deep friendship. They promote mutual understanding, relaxation and inner mental balance.

    759 грн

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  • Earrings "Magic of the forest" Jasper

    Pearls are a symbol of femininity, tenderness and grace, prosperity and well-being, an elixir of youth. They drive away melancholy and worries, restore lost strength, preserve beauty. Strengthen feelings of love and deep friendship. They promote mutual understanding, relaxation and inner mental balance.

    459 грн

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  • Earrings "Magic of the forest" Jasper

    CAT'S EYE repels negative energy, negative thoughts and evil intentions. Helps reveal potential, talents, make wise decisions. It will support energetic development and self-improvement. Preserves love and protects against betrayal. Draws attention to its owner. Kaholong is a stone of peace, harmony and spiritual development. Strengthens well-being and...

    399 грн

    In Stock
  • Earrings "Magic of the forest" Jasper

    CAT'S EYE repels negative energy, negative thoughts and evil intentions. Helps reveal potential, talents, make wise decisions. It will support energetic development and self-improvement. Preserves love and protects against betrayal. Draws attention to its owner. Mother of pearl is a symbol of female energy and wisdom. A source of health, mysterious...

    339 грн

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  • Earrings "Magic of the forest" Jasper

    Aquamarine is a stone of friendship and justice, protects its owner from dangers and deception, and will add prudence. This gem helps relieve stress, nervous tension, and find mental balance. Increases the level of romance and harmony in a couple. Protects against adversity. Helps you feel inner peace and emotional balance in the modern world. Quartz is a...

    359 грн

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  • Earrings "Fairy" Amazonite, Quartz

    Amazonite is a stone of courage and devotion. It creates a good mood, relieves feelings of anxiety and uncertainty, helps resolve conflicts. Helps make wise decisions, strengthen family relationships and build a strong family. It repels negative energy, opens up new opportunities, stimulates you to self-improvement and development. Quartz is a stone of...

    379 грн

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  • Earrings "Magic of the forest" Jasper

    CAT'S EYE repels negative energy, negative thoughts and evil intentions. Helps reveal potential, talents, make wise decisions. It will support energetic development and self-improvement. Preserves love and protects against betrayal. Draws attention to its owner. Mother of pearl is a symbol of female energy and wisdom. A source of health, mysterious...

    339 грн

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  • Earrings "Magic of the forest" Jasper

    Quartz is a stone of strengthening energy and self-discipline. Increases your vitality and sense of endurance. Improves meditation. Protects from negative energy. Helps focus on your goals. Enhances beauty, attractiveness, sexual energy. Moonstone - emphasizes your femininity and tenderness. The mineral of unity of lovers. Softens and brings relationships...

    349 грн

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  • Earrings "Magic of the forest" Jasper

    CAT'S EYE repels negative energy, negative thoughts and evil intentions. Helps reveal potential, talents, make wise decisions. It will support energetic development and self-improvement. Preserves love and protects against betrayal. Draws attention to its owner. Rock crystal is a symbol of light and energy in your life. Has the property of increasing and...

    359 грн

    In Stock
  • Necklace "Magic of the Forest" Jasper

    Cat's eye drives away negative energy, negative thoughts and evil intentions. Helps to reveal potential, talents, make wise decisions. Supports energetic development and self-improvement. Preserves love and protects against betrayal. Attracts attention to its owner. Rock crystal is a symbol of light and energy in your life. Has the property of increasing...

    1 659 грн

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  • Necklace "Magic of the Forest" Jasper

    Amethyst is a symbol of sincerity, harmony and protection from negative energies. Strengthens intuition. Helps improve sleep, control emotions, achieve inner peace. Contributes to career, education, talent development. Amethyst was considered the stone of kings and monarchs.

    1 139 грн

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  • Necklace "Magic of the Forest" Jasper

    Carnelian symbolizes strength, courage, determination and confidence. Stimulates creativity and ingenuity. Helps to find new solutions and ideas, to overcome difficulties. A talisman in love relationships, a patron of marriage and improves relations between spouses. Opens up new opportunities in business.

    1 109 грн

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  • Necklace "Magic of the Forest" Jasper

    Jade is a symbol of perfection and purity, personifies decency, bravery, loyalty and wisdom. A stone of change, harmony, protection and elegance. Attracts wealth and success. Strengthens the craving for knowledge, reveals talents. Protects from energy vampires. Maintains harmony in life.

    739 грн

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  • Necklace "Magic of the Forest" Jasper

    Cat's eye drives away negative energy, negative thoughts and evil intentions. Helps to reveal potential, talents, make wise decisions. Supports energetic development and self-improvement. Preserves love and protects against betrayal. Attracts attention to its owner.

    819 грн

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  • Necklace "Magic of the Forest" Jasper

    Cacholong to kamień spokoju, harmonii i rozwoju duchowego. Wzmacnia dobrostan i relacje w rodzinie. Zwiększa bogactwo i otwiera nowe możliwości. Rozwija intuicję. Talizman dla przyszłych mam. Promuje równowagę pomiędzy ciałem, umysłem i duszą.

    839 грн

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  • Necklace "Magic of the Forest" Jasper

    Pearls are a symbol of femininity, tenderness and grace, prosperity and well-being, an elixir of youth. They drive away melancholy and worries, restore lost strength, preserve beauty. They strengthen feelings of love and deep friendship. They promote mutual understanding, relaxation and inner mental balance. Jade is a symbol of perfection and purity,...

    1 179 грн

    In Stock
  • Necklace "Magic of the Forest" Jasper

    Pearls are a symbol of femininity, tenderness and grace, prosperity and well-being, an elixir of youth. They drive away melancholy and worries, restore lost strength, preserve beauty. Strengthen feelings of love and deep friendship. They promote mutual understanding, relaxation and inner mental balance. Amethyst is a symbol of sincerity, harmony and...

    1 729 грн

    In Stock