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TOURMALINE - a stone that cleanses and heals. Under the influence of tourmaline, a person becomes morally focused, courageous, and more resilient. Tourmaline is a powerful healer. Works with all chakras according to color. Strengthens the body and mind, eliminates anxiety and fear.
TOURMALINE -a stone that cleanses and heals. Under the influence of tourmaline, a person becomes morally focused, courageous, and more resilient. Tourmaline is a powerful healer. Works with all chakras according to color. Strengthens the body and mind, eliminates anxiety and fear.
TOURMALINE -a stone that cleanses and heals. Under the influence of tourmaline, a person becomes morally focused, courageous, and more resilient. Tourmaline is a powerful healer. Works with all chakras according to color. Strengthens the body and mind, eliminates anxiety and fear.
TOURMALINE -a stone that cleanses and heals. Under the influence of tourmaline, a person becomes morally focused, courageous, and more resilient. Tourmaline is a powerful healer. Works with all chakras according to color. Strengthens the body and mind, eliminates anxiety and fear.
TOURMALINE -a stone that cleanses and heals. Under the influence of tourmaline, a person becomes morally focused, courageous, and more resilient. Tourmaline is a powerful healer. Works with all chakras according to color. Strengthens the body and mind, eliminates anxiety and fear.
TOURMALINE -a stone that cleanses and heals. Under the influence of tourmaline, a person becomes morally focused, courageous, and more resilient. Tourmaline is a powerful healer. Works with all chakras according to color. Strengthens the body and mind, eliminates anxiety and fear.
ТУРМАЛІН - камінь, що очищує і лікує. Під впливом турмаліну людина стає морально сконцентрованою, мужньою, витривалішою. Турмалін - сильний цілитель. Працює з усіма чакрами відповідно до кольору. Зміцнює тіло й розум, усуває тривогу і страх.
ТУРМАЛІН - камінь, що очищує і лікує. Під впливом турмаліну людина стає морально сконцентрованою, мужньою, витривалішою. Турмалін - сильний цілитель. Працює з усіма чакрами відповідно до кольору. Зміцнює тіло й розум, усуває тривогу і страх.
The size of the stone is 6 mm.
The size of the bracelet is 17 The size of the stone is 10 mm.
The size of the bracelet is 17
The size of the bracelet is 17
The size of the bracelet is 17 The size of the stone is 10 mm.
The size of the bracelet is 17
Bracelet size - 18